Hospital again!

Harry Bonar

New member
Well, I misbehaved and ate too much, gained too much weight and the real killer was I drank way too much water (fluid)!
Well, they took me in again (me thinking it was "IT" again) and took 10 gallons of fluid off me in three days! Call me "STUPID!"
I'm fine again and here - just completed my first flintlock - this time before the ambulance came I did put my 45 in the safe!:)
I'm O.K. guys!
Harry B.


New member
Harry, I have read a lot of things you helped people with here, and I just now realized you were in or around Ohio, whereabouts are you? I am soon to graduate from the Pennsylvania Gunsmith School, and will be returning to the Buckeye ASAP

Harry Bonar

New member

In regard to your question I'm in Washington County in the southeastern point of Ohio. I hesitate to give a more specific address due to, you know, the internet!
I'd be glad to meet you though if we can arrange it - doc will be coming from central U.S. during thanksgiving so I'll be busy for a week then but maybe we can get together somehow. I hope school has gone well and yo can probably show me some new methods!
Harry B.

Glad you're doing OK. Reminds me I need to take a little of my own midriff.


He's about diagonally opposite you on the other side of Columbus. He and I
have talked about a visit a couple of times, but it's a 5 hour round trip drive from the west side of Columbus, give or take. No direct highway route that I could find. I've thought of heading over from Pickaway County after a shoot, but have been spending so much time in Texas that I haven't gotten any time in down there this year or last.

Let me know if you plan to visit Riverside again? ;) That's about 20 minutes from me. My dad was in there for a couple of weeks earlier this year. But he'll turn 89 at his next birthday, so he's got more excuses.



New member
Geezus Harry. What are we going to do with you. You sure you don't want us to have the ole addy so we can send you a nice ham?:p

If you send me a PM with you address I really will send you a CPR booklet (just in case) for your family. An ounce of prevention...