hornady lnl conversion kit


New member
I'm thinking of converting my rockchucker single stage press over to the hornday lnl conversion system. Has anyone had any problems doing this and how has the system worked out for you? Looks like the kit comes with die bushings and a conversion bushing. Also has anyone had any trouble getting the original die mounting bushing out of their press?


New member
Hmmm. Hornady makes red stuff... Rockchucker is RCBS and they make green stuff. Mix them and you get... brown?! :D

I'm not sure that any kit is designed to work between two different manufacturers, but keep us updated.

serf 'rett

New member
It's a simple changeover if your Rockchucker is like mine. Unscrew the 1-1/4"x7/8" threaded bushing in your Rockchucker. Screw in the Hornaday conversion adapter into your press. Mount your dies in the bushings and you're ready to roll.

The caveat is you will need a LNL bushing for each one of your dies to see any time savings in a single stage press.

Note to self - need to order more bushings.


New member
Yea i need 9 die bushings, i ordered set of 10. as far as the color, looks like the set is crome, so mixed green won't be so bad. looks like i need a inch and one half wrench to get the bushing out of the RC. Yep thats what i needed. almost had to hook it to a wench they put those suckers in there! nomore screwing in dies, i know i'm lazy.


New member
The conversion kit works well on my RCBS Rock Chucker. HOWEVER, in order to swap back-and-forth between my LNL and RCBS and have the SAME DIE SETTINGS, I had to machine a spacer for my RCBS. My RCBS needed a spacer "washer" about .130 thick. (Sorry, don't remember specific thickness)

Go here to see how measure and make the spacer: http://ultimatereloader.com/2009/06/06/calibrating-lnl-ap-and-lnl-classic-hd/

In the video, a Powder-Cop die is used to help measure the distance.


New member
thanks waldog, but i should be alright since i only have a RC single stage press. I should just have to reset my dies. from my understanding.


New member
Only difficulty I had was busting the original bushing out of my rock chucker. Lowes has a 12pt 1.5in socket for ~$7 that did the trick when coupled with an 18in breaking bar. I too need more bushings. I have been sharing one back and forth since I got my 2nd die set. How was midsouth on the shipping cost?


New member
i got the whole setup for $54.00. thats 9 die bushings and the press bushing incuding priority shipping. Yea' i was lucky that i had 1 and a half inch box end wrench . I got it loosen up but it wasn't easy. I've had the press since the 80's so it's toughen up some over the years. There's not a lot of shoulder area to grip on the RC press nut.


New member
i got my lockandload conversion kit yesterday, and their was discrepancey on the number of die bushings on the web site compared to whats contained in the kit now.So i called hornady to let them know they have a problem in their listing and i was shorted a die bushing as a result. The girl from hornady couldn't have been anymore helpful. She apolgized and said they would get their web page straightened out, and would send me out a 2die set instead one as a replacement. I was impressed since i didn't even order the item from hornady ( got it from midsouth). My hats off to hornady!