Hornady 9X18 Critical Defense Ammo


New member
I bought 6 boxes last month at the gun show that travels around Florida. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet because I'm having my p-64 chromed. Should have it back in about a week or so.


New member
Shoots just fine in my P-64, but I typically just use Silver Bear JHPs. I don't think there is enough functional difference in hitting power to justify the higher cost of the Hornady.


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I've been using their "Custom" brand 95 gr. XTP's in my Bulgie Makarov for several years. Runs perfectly and seems to expand both reliably and well in "semi-formal" testing on jugs of water, etc.

Haven't seen or tried the "new flavor" yet, but if a 9x18 Mak was my EDC IMO it sure couldn't hurt much to try some out.


New member
Long as we're on the 9x18...not trying to hijack, but...
My CZ-82 is my EDC. A bit heavy, but man can I shoot the thing...
Anyway, I've read many places that it's "advised" to load FMJ's for personal defense in lieu of HP's for better penetration.

I suspect much, if not all, of that is from the "nothing less than the 9x19 crowd" and even that ain't big enough...but is there any substance to that sentiment?

bdb benzino

New member
Even if a 9x18mak HP doesn't expand, it will still be as effective as a fmj. So carry HP's and don't worry about it. I look forward to getting my hands on some of those Hornady CD rounds!


New member
I'll keep an eye open for other types. I'm not having a lot of luck finding a choice of 9x18 ammo at my LGS. The only stuff I found today was CCI Blazer stuff. Plinking ammo I suppose. I'll see if the PA-63 likes it or not. I'm really liking this gun. I got to check it out side by side with a PPK and a Bersa Thunder today. It's a little bigger than the PPK and size wise, it's very close to the Bersa. The Bersa actually felt better in my hand than either of the other two but the PA-63 is a great shooting pistol and I'm very happy with it.


New member
@Brit: If you're asking me, the only S&B 9x18 I've used is plain ol' ball and it runs perfectly fine, same as about everything else I've put through the Bulgie.

Of the relatively few brands of JHP I've tried, the Hornady Custom is simply what showed me the most reliable expansion in the limited types of media I had readily available to do my quasi-scientific testing with from my pistol. Cor-Bon and some of the other "boutique" loads are rarely seen in these parts, and way too pricey for me rationalize buying off the 'net to do much playing around with, seeing as I don't carry my Mak for SD. If the results of more sophisticated testing from credible folks in the trade mags show enough of a demonstrated perfomance advantage to the new "Critical Defense", I'd be inclined to get a couple of boxes for "just-in-case".

I don't know your situation in Oregon, but where I live there's no state or local law that prevents me buying any and all the ammo I want over the internet and have it shipped directly to me. If you do some shopping around, I'm pretty certain that you can find a lot more options at prices you can afford. Natchez Shooters Supplies one of the first places I look, as I've dealt with them many times over the years and never had a bad experience with them. There are lots of other options, too and I'm sure others will chime-in with theirs directly.

FWIW, on generic ball practice ammo there's nearly always some significant savings to be had if one can purchase in 500 or 1,000 rd. lots. The difference is more pronounced with high-volume sellers such as 9x19, .40 S&W and .45 ACP, but does generally hold true none the less.