Hornady 44Mag Factory Small Pistol Primer


New member
Someone please tell me my eyes are playing tricks on me. I purchased some Hornady 44mag Factory rounds fired them and they were a blast :)

I go to reload the once fired brass and none of my large pistol primers would fit.
Winchester LP
Tula LP

I started looking at the cases and thought this can't be right let me look at these things under the magnifying glass. Sure enough small primer pockets. I know many started this with 45ACP but with 44Mag CMON.

Usually any day at the bench reloading is a great day but having these hang up my Hornady LnL AP was a pain in the :banghead:

The Hornady seem to be small pistol primer pockets the ones on the bottom worked just fine.

This is what the primer looks like after seating it with a hand primer with two handed force. On the press it won't seat feels like something is going to break. I knew this was dangerous but I had to make sure, I was wearing thick work gloves, eye protection and ear protection when I did this with the hand primer.
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New member
I loaded some Hornady once fired brass this morning. All 50 took WLP primer but one took a lot of force. Thought that one was going to blow so I put the face sheild on.:eek:

It even dented some but didn't go kapow. Hopefully it will shoot okay.

I would call Hornady about that brass as well


New member
The guy next door gave me some Hornady custom 44 mag brass that he shot, box says 200 gr XTP. Primers were beyond flat and looked liked soup bowls. They are large primer but for the life of me I can not get a primer into one of them without destroying the primer. For now they sit on the shelf.


New member
Small primer does go in tight.

It is not a big deal no need for me to call Hornady it just ticked me off, surprised me. I only had 20 of these cases mixed in with my 44 Mag brass. As already been noticed all the ones with small primer pockets had fatter print. I do have some Hornady brass with smaller print that has the large primer pocket.

So the fix to me was easy, take my RCBS trim mate case prep military crimp remover and cut the primer pocket open. Then use my rcbs large primer pocket uniformer. Now theses cases fit large pistol primers nice and tight and all of them fired and set off Alliant 2400.

I think Manufacturers should put this sort of thing on their boxes. Example loaded with LP or SP something like that.