Hoppes Number 9 Cleaning Solvent...with a twist


New member
The guy upstairs was listening to my prayers after all :) Gonna have to stock up on some of those.

Edit: Just noticed the price, its a little steep for a two pack.........but.......I still want some.


New member
For that price, just buy a quart bottle and crack the lid a bit every now and then.

I accidentally did that once, with the OLD FORMULA that had "The Smell". Somehow managed to crack all the way around the base when it clinked against another glass jar. Didn't notice it right away since the old jar still had some left. But a few days later I picked up the jar and put the whole quart into the thick carpet and old fashioned wool pad in the den. Luckily, the fashion was for dark carpet colors and I figured in a few days it would air out and by the time my parents got back from their summer vacation no one would be the wiser. Not so. They sold that house several years later and it still smelled like Hoppes.