Hooligan1's Gift!


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This story is about an old rifle and a really "Good Dude" wanting to do something special for a friend and his new bride to be. I've been on this forum awhile now and when I travel I'm usually somewhere I can meet up with someone that I've talked to on the TFL before. This last December was no different, while I was back in Kansas City for a couple of weeks for work I got to meet Hooligan1 (H1) for the first time.

From meeting him I can tell he lived up to his internet moniker, probably more so when he was much younger. I'm sure he was the #1 hooligan from his neighborhood growing up, and raised his share of hell and gave his parents plenty of gray hair. I'm pretty sure his wife is a saint who saved him from a lot of trouble, by settling him down into the prankster he is today. I also got the pleasure of meeting a few of his friends, and they all said (when H1 was out of earshot) "He's the first to show up to help regardless if you've asked for it or not, and whatever he has he's likely to give it to you if he thinks you need it more than him."

H1 could beat Uncle Si in a look alike contest, but a Bud Light is more likely to be found in his hand than a tupperware tumbler full of iced tea when he's not working. His passions in life are his Wife, family, and friends first and then it's BBQ, hunting/shooting, and anything that keeps him outdoors. He may not be rich by any means, but from what I've seen of his life he's a very wealthy man. I felt very blessed to get to spend the short amount of time I did among his family and friends.

Now that you have the back story let us move on to the rifle. Like I said he was wanting to present as a wedding gift to the new bride a deer rifle. He had bought a sporterized 1891 Argentine Mauser off of the groom to be and was wanting to turn it into a 6.5X55 deer rifle so the young couple could hunt deer together. He enlisted my help to get this done, unfortunately I know next to nothing about these old Mauser rifles, but my google-fu is not weak and I shortly came up with an answer. This answer was one that H1 wasn't going to like so, I started to hatch a plan to help my friend be a hero.

I went out to my work shop and started digging through my boxes of "Gun Stuff" It took me about an hour to locate everything but I had the answer to the question Ol' H1 never asked. First thing I found was this barreled action, a Kimber of Oregon sporterized Carl Gustav M96 Mauser with Bold trigger, Dayton Traister speedlock kit, and Commercial bolt shroud.


The second item I found was a Richard's Microfit #102 Old Classic walnut stock inlet for the small ring intermediate action and #1 barrel channel.



Lastly, and this took the most time to locate I finally found a Shilen feather weight contour 1:8 twist barrel that I had stashed for a rainy day.



So I boxed this all up and shipped it off to Indepndence MO to the FFL that H1 uses free of charge only asking for pictures. I know that H1 was surprised that I did this, but after meeting the guy you can't want but to help him as well. The reason is he makes you want to be as selfless as he is in taking care of other people. To be continued.........
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Another thing I learned about H1 is he's handier than a pocket on a T-shirt, and not afraid to tackle most projects. So I knew that this old Swede that I figured I'd never get around to finishing was in good hands. I'm sure he tore into the project almost as soon as he opened the box after he picked it up from his FFL transfer agent.

The first picture he sent me was after he had fit the bottom metal to the stock.




Even though the rifle was already chambered in 6.5X55, I was never able to get it to shoot in the old ramline stock. I had it at two different gunsmiths, both of which ran scope down the barrel and both said it needed a new barrel. That's why I happened to have the Shilen barrel on hand. Since I had planned to put a new barrel on eventually I bought the Richard's stock and sold the ramline a few years before.

It took about a week of searching and asking around forums to find a guy that lived close by H1 who was willing to tackle the job of installing the barrel, cutting the chamber, and bluing the barrel. In the mean time H1 went back to work on the stock to shape the ebony forend tip. There was a lot of back and forth between us on this one, and I think H1 finally found a good shape.




Well six pictures is the max, so more to follow!


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When H1 got the barreled action back from the gunsmith he really went to town on shaping the stock. First thing he complained about was all the extra wood around the tang and wrist area of the stock. I just told him that's a normal Richard's Microfit stock for you.




So it looks like he got out the wood rasps and sandpaper out then went to work.




More to follow......


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Next H1 sent me some pictures of him finishing the stock. If I remember correctly he used Tru Oil. The stock really came alive once the finish was applied.




Here are some of the more finished picutures, as you can see H1 was bringing this rifle together quite nicely.




I couldn't have found a better person to finish this rifle. I had lost interest in it years ago, but couldn't bring myself to sell it as I'd knew I'd have lost a ton of money selling it. Now I get a lot more satisfaction seeing it come together as a gift for a new couple starting out on their deer hunting journey together.

Don't worry though there are more pictures to come as soon as H1 can get me some of the rifle all scoped up and ready to shot deer.


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So here is the only picture I have so far of a completed future deer killing rifle in a classic cartridge.


Knowing H1 I'm sure he'd rather put a Vortex on that rifle in the future.
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New member
that's pretty amazing, both of you. I hope you read this guy right and he's actually a nice guy, maybe he just roped into thinking that, knowing a free rifle would be headed his way.

it really looks awesome. I like the black accents on the front and bottom, stock looks great. really nice gift to new couple. i'm getting married next spring.......come make a visit......


New member
skizzums said:
I hope you read this guy right and he's actually a nice guy, maybe he just roped into thinking that, knowing a free rifle would be headed his way.

There is only one way to take Ol' Hooligan1, he's as good and honest of a dude as you'll ever meet if given the chance. He's opened his house up to me and would do so again if I'm in his neighborhood. If he ever makes it out my way he'll be treated like family because that's the only way he has ever treated me.

This rifle will be exactly what he wanted it to be, a present for the bride to hunt with her new husband.


New member
Great story.
Even better gift.

Great job, guys.

There is only one way to take Ol' Hooligan1, he's as good and honest of a dude as you'll ever meet if given the chance. He's opened his house up to me and would do so again if I'm in his neighborhood. If he ever makes it out my way he'll be treated like family because that's the only way he has ever treated me.
I've never met him, but more than one package has been sent between hooligan1 and I. He's good people.


New member
Taylorce1's comment are too kind, I'm just a regular dude that likesvto brighten peoples lives with honest effort, (skizzums) and this project was no different.
The story truly begins with a buddy that I grew up with, hunting and fishing every chance we had. He was married to a great woman who lost her battle of 9 years, with heart disease and diabetes. They were married over 30 years.
After mourning his loss for over a span of 18 months, he decided he would be better off spending his future with companionship of another woman. So my friend went back into the market to meet a woman that he would enjoy spending time with indoors and especially outdoors.
He met Jana, and became fullfilled once again in his heart and his soul. She hunts, she fishes, and she loves to mow his big lawn.
And so they were married, and the wife and I could not get loose and travel the 360 miles south to attend the small wedding.
I told my buddy after a long talk over the phone that it sounded like he was once again, happy.
In July of this year, my wifes 89 year old mother became comatose and we stopped everything here and headed south to visit her while there was some semblance of life left in her, and my friend and his new wife opened up their home to me and my wife.
After I came back to KC, another 2 weeks passed and my wife's mother couldn't wait for heavens gate any longer, so back we went, and yes my friend and his new wife once again welcomed us back into their home.

To say the least she's a nice lady for my buddy to spend his remaining years with in the blind or the boat or anything really.
So I wanted to do something special for a couple people that I love dearly, and with a BIG help from a great brother out west, the Swede project was started, (can't tell you honestly that I didn't sob while trying to do my best on this rifle for her) and now it is finished and a decent load is now being cooked up in the laboratory for it.
As soon as data is complete, pics will follow.


New member
I should have added smiley face to above comment. My jokes are hard to get sometimes, mostly because they aren't funny.

I am curious, do most folks form the brass for these, or just stock up. I would be interested if it has a easily formed brass substitute, or if factory is cheap enough.


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Actually I've been testing Remington and some Privi Partisan and it is grouping at 1.5 moa for both. I picked up a box of Winchester ammo but haven't shot it yet, this Sunday will be the day for that.
Anyway she will have plenty of deer season ammo that shoots to same poi, but if I had more time I could work up something tighter probably, but where they hunt, the longest shot wont be over 150 yds, so I'm sure if a big ole deer comes her way it'll render to hamburger meat....and my buddy will be happy as he can be.

Skizzum I knew you was hackin on me..no sweat.


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Going to the range today to test Winchester greybox 140 grain pills, and some 140 grain sst stuff I built.
I will get some target pics together and we will get them posted here.


New member
I should have added smiley face to above comment. My jokes are hard to get sometimes, mostly because they aren't funny.
I figured as much, but I also figured it wouldn't hurt to err on the side of saying a good thing about a good guy. ;)


New member
that's a story worth reading..props to you all...I haven't eny friends like that...to remote and distant I guess...just my immediate family..youre lucky people


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The journey south begins in a few hours, and all I keep thinking about is her expression when she, for the first time, see's this amazing gift and hears the entire story behind the scenes.

I want to again for the 10th time, thank Taylorce1, without his quick thinking and generosity, this wouldn't of happened as cool as it did. Thank you Brother!!

There will be pictures of the moment, and some of her shooting it for the first time,.