Hooked another one fellas! (pics)


New member
First, I should say that my girlfriend comes from an anti-gun mentality. Probably because she was born in Brazil and lived there until 12 years old before the family moved to Miami.

About a month ago I took her shooting for the first time ever. I started her out with a single action Ruger SingleSix 22LR revolver and then also had her shoot a Ruger 10/22 rifle. Before we left the shooting range I let her shoot a Beretta 9mm just to give her the feel of something more powerful than a 22LR. She had a blast and looked forward to shooting again. She actually was a pretty good shot at 25 yards.

Yesterday, I decided it was time to seal the deal with regards to how much fun plinking can be. I took her back out to the shooting range but this time we went with blackpowder cap-N-ball. I broke out the 1851 (yes, the one that had the wedge from hell). Here are the pics:






I showed her how to load it by shooting a couple of cylinders myself first. She said "gosh, it takes forever to load that thing...I'm getting kind of antsy sitting around". I turned it over to her and watched her load it...just looking over her shoulder. She's actually a VERY good student. You don't have to repeat anything twice. She loaded it up and I told her to go over to the 15 yard line and shoot it. Her first shot she killed a tin can dead center. After she was done I told her to load it up and do it again. She said "ya know, its actually pretty fun to load these things up yourself". I think she's hooked now. :D


New member
Sweet, now if we can only get the rest of the world to start enjoying firearms like we do it'll be a better place IMHO.

Congrats in getting your gal to shoot such a fine side arm. :D


New member
I have found the 1851 navy to be the best for converting gun hating people.
All that fiddling around and setting up the gun, then that little round lead ball, and all. I just takes the mystery out of what's going on. The whole time you are talking about it, they slowly get to realize that it's just a cool tool. No evil in it. ;)

Doc Hoy

New member
Clem and others..For once I am being serious

What a great original post!

Says a lot about the relationship that you two would want to be involved in the activity together. I have said often that I prefer to shoot alone (I don't ask my wife to go shooting, and she doesn't ask me to go to church.) and so this arrangement would not work for me but I admire the two of you.

Says a lot about your significant-other who obviously has a mind that is open to new experience, even experience which is not in keeping with the way her world conditioned her.

Says a lot about shooting in general. I know a lot of anti-firearm folks, but most of them have never shot a firearm.

Raider was right.


New member
Way to go, Clem! I'd say they're both keepers. Besides, nothing says "We're winning the 2A war!" like a pretty girl in Thelma & Louise glasses, with a big single-action revolver.

Good stuff.


New member
Awesome!! I had a roommate from Brazil years ago who was deathly afraid of firearms so I can understand how that mentality is. Awesome to have someone else join the realm!


New member

Clem and others..For once I am being serious
What a great original post!

Says a lot about the relationship that you two would want to be involved in the activity together. I have said often that I prefer to shoot alone (I don't ask my wife to go shooting, and she doesn't ask me to go to church.) and so this arrangement would not work for me but I admire the two of you.

Says a lot about your significant-other who obviously has a mind that is open to new experience, even experience which is not in keeping with the way her world conditioned her.

Says a lot about shooting in general. I know a lot of anti-firearm folks, but most of them have never shot a firearm.

Raider was right.

Yeah Doc, she's pretty kewl!


New member
:cool:Thumbs up to Clembert.

I tried taking my daughter shooting, but she had the unnerving grip on the gun of putting her support hand under the front of the cylinder. I stopped her before she shot and being very sensitive (cannot take criticism or a joke), she did not want to shoot again. I'm waiting a tad for her to grow up (she will shoot .22 rifles and pistols) before I try her again on a BP revolver.

The Doc is out now.


New member
I explained to my girlfriend that putting your hand in front of the cylinder is a bad idea because in the event of a chain fire you could end up having a bad day. She understood very quickly.


New member
That's a great time right there. I had a similar experience with my then girl friend. After teaching her to respect and shoot firearms she really got to enjoy it. That was 20 years ago, we've been married for 19yr. Her favorite gun is a 12 ga scatter gun.