Honors and respect to TFL'ers currently serving this Independence Day


Moderator Emeritus
ArmySon, Spectre, Lennyjoe and all others

My deepest gratitude.

Role call, chime in with other names


Staff Alumnus
Thanks, DC.

Happy Independence Day, everyone. I think Tomandnacole gets some thanks for serving, too, and thanks to all our veterans, who left king-size shoes for us to fill.

"Freedom is not free." "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom." "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men (AND WOMEN) do nothing." "Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right. Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight."

All these may sound like happy slogans, cool little sound bites to rattle off, and go on our merry way with no deeper thought required, but every time you have the freedom to choose how to live, remember that someone paid for that freedom. Then, do something to preserve your children's freedom.


New member
Had a couple come in today to rent a car whose son is currently at West Point. Their pride was tremendous, as well it should be. I asked these folks to make sure their son learned a lot as he could be leading my goofy nephew in the years to come!

Yes, thanks to all, past and present, who put it all on the line to make and keep America the greatest country in the history of mankind. God bless America.

campus ninja

New member

I'd like to thank ALL those who serve America...home and over seas. I like to thank those who made the ultimate sacrifice. As I spend this day with my loved ones, I think about the soliders, police officers, EMT's, and fire-fighters who are away from their loved ones, working hard to keep our Independance today. I hope to return the favor some day.
Thanks again and stay safe!!!!
Have a happy 4th of July


New member
I would also like to thank all of the women and men serving in the Armed Forces both overseas and CONUS. I did my time and was proud to do it but I know it is a tough life that is hard on families. Thanks again and God bless.


New member
You guys are part of the long tradition tha made the US the greatest country on this Earth. Thank you for your sacrifice. And thank you to all soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, cops, firefighters, EMS and 911 operators past and present for your dedication to the USA.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
A Big Salute: To America's Fighting Forces-

You guy's and gal's in America's military uniforms are the
greatest. May GOD bless each of you, and keep you out
of harms way.


Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Let me join in thanking those who are serving in our armed forces. Lest we not forget, also the countless police officers, deputy sheriffs, firefighter, paramedics, and other emergency service people who are standing by on this celebration of our nation's independence.
Because of the great sacrifices of our brave military men and woman, myself and my loved ones are able to live in the best country in the world-The United States of America. Thank you to all who have served and God Bless You. To the family's who have lost a father, mother, son or daughter in the defense of our freedom, my prayers and thoughts are with you today.
Happy Birthday America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless our leaders (Clinton,Chucky S, Kennedy,Boxer and other librerals are not our leaders, therefore are not included in the above blessing):)


Staff Alumnus
Having passed the torch to the likes of Spectre and ArmySon I want them, and all the others, to know that I sleep soundly at night because of them.

Being that I've "Been there, Done that" I know the sacrifices they have to endure to keep the vigilance.

Gentlemen & Ladies I Salute and Thank you!


New member
Thank you.

I to extend my thanks to all our service men and women in all our armed services for thier service to our country.

To my brothers in arms that i've met and served with over the last six years here in Iowa, Thank you also.



New member
Hear hear! A Happy Independance Day to all and God Speed to those Over There!

- Gabe
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New member
My appreciation and gratitude as well. Thank to all who proudly serve or have served. A special thanks to all Viet Nam combat verterans who frequent TFL ( adebt that can never be fully be repaid).


New member
Got a rather early July 4th present last week...

The Air Force promotion list came out. The commander knew it that morning, but kept a poker fact the whole day until I was ready to go home, then he pulled me to the side asking me if I had a minute. Sneaky. Hope the extra pay doesn't bump me into a higher tax bracket...:D

But it's a good July 4th for several of us!;)


New member
I would like to add my heartfelt thanks to all those who are currently serving our country as well as to those who have served. You make me very proud.

I add extra special Otter hugs to my 2 very special friends, Son and Spectre. Having actually met them both "in real life", I know we are in excellent hands. Be safe, my friends. I look forward to giving you those hugs in person someday soon.:)