Homemade savage action vice?


New member
Hello, I am currently in the process of disassembling a Stevens 200 rifle with the purpose of putting together more of a long range gun.

My question is, does anyone have any plans or recommendations for a homemade action vice. I've seen them for sale online for around 50 dollars but would rather not pay that much to use it once or twice.

Also would it damage the recoil lug or action if I built a vice that also used the lug to stop if from turning. I found some plans online for one made of wood but didn't know if it would be a good one to use.

Thanks in advance, Kyle


You need a good vise (not vice) with either padded jaws or the proper insert to hold oddly shaped parts.


New member
I just received the new barrel for my 7-08 long range build.
I'm going to make a simple barrel vise, from a couple of blocks of wood with a barrel channel cut into them, clamped in my bench vise- and forego the action wrench.

Just like this guy did, but he used C-Clamps to hold it to the bench, instead of placing the blocks in a vise. I think I'll get more clamping pressure in the vise...


Since the barrel is held in place by the barrel nut, and not torqued to the shoulder like a traditional barrel, I think I can get by without an action wrench. Once the barrel nut is broken loose and removed, the action should just unscrew by hand from the barrel, unless there's galling.

Operative word, "should"... we'll see when my barrel nut wrench gets here.