Homebrew Critical Defense bullets

chris in va

New member
Many of us read the article about the CD development, where an engineer filled an XTP cavity with silicone caulk and was impressed with the results.

Anyone tried this yet?


New member
Isn't it just to keep lint and dirt out of the tips?
No it to ensure to have proper expansion when going through clothing or other material, One could say it will prevent it from plugging up as it passes through material that could prevent it from expanding fully.


New member
That seems a little counterproductive to me... in order to keep it from plugging up, you... plug it up ahead of time? :confused:

I suppose it MIGHT act like a flat ballistic tipped bullet, but it still seems odd.


New member
But then again if it plugged up then it would be just like a FMJ, so it could be said they are putting something in the tip that would compliment the expansion instead of the latter.


New member
Good expansion happens while passing through dense, pliable media. Silicone in the tip would act similar to soft tissue and prevent obstructions to expansion that comes with clothing such as denim, etc. The only foreseeable negative is that expansion begins immediately on impact rather than at depth, meaning penetration could suffer. Yup, I've done some testing on these lines with pretty interesting results. Silicone is OK. Hot Glue is much easier to work with and produces equal results.
There have been several articles of late that give some good feedback and food for thought on this subject . One of the most compelling was written by a Coroner who gets to do the autopsies on the deceased by way of gun fire in Los Angeles , CA. As he is the ME who is responsible for not only checking the extent of damage done to the victims in explicit detail but also assist in the investigation and crime solving details PLUS being an avid shooter himself he has compiled some interesting data. He recovers the fired bullets when it is possible from the bodies and often times those that have passed through the bodies and ended up elsewhere. His job includes identification of the bullet calibre, type, and specific make and model of the bullet. He has compiled one helluva lot of facts on bullet performance insofar as how they perform in real world situations. He concludes thay many hollow point bullets fail to perform up to their expected level due to "clogging" with clothing matierials on initial contact and where others may open so fast as to expend their energy too quickly and lose their edge for penetration. I will relate this personally to something I had been plauged with for years. As I am certified gun enthusiast I even shoot air rifles still as I refuse to grow up. Air rifles have become MUCH better since I was a kid and until recently the ammo had not. I hunt Sage Rats with and other assorted varmits with air rifles. I have recovered hollow point pellets from various critters with fur or feathers . Those from feathered victims usually were covered in a ball of down and when cleaned had no exspansion what so ever as were plugged solid. Since this tended to ire me a bit I tried the Gamo "Red Fire" ammo which isnt more than a soft polymer tipped hollow point pellet. AMAZING difference in the terminal performance with the heads of the pellets expanding like they were made to. In retrospect it would appear WHAT you use to fill the hollowpoints with to ONLY RETARD the opening of the hollowpoint cup is the key. It must be just firm enough to hold together while on its way to the target and push clothing matierial away from the cup as it too starts to dissipate and let the bullets cup start to expand. I have put arrow fletching cement into some of my HP loads as it is softer yet than silicone when dried. Of note as well on my cast HP rifle bullets with very narrow HP tubes I have set a small ball bearing in the tip and initial tests find this to be impressive as well. May also work on some soft hose HP pistol bullets with small HP tubes. They seem to act as a piston pushing down into the tapered chamber with better results as the force of the matierial is pushed over the ball and outward actually assisting to open the bullet.

Just my nickels worth,

10 Spot
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New member
Yes, the ball bearing expander was used in 25 ACP rounds, forget the maker name, worked "OK" for what I dimly remember.

I am willing to try some of the Critical Duty ammo sometime.


New member
Have tried and still use silicone, in the form of clear rtv silicone adhesive/sealant. It lowered the expansion threshold in 45 acp jhps down almost 100 fps. While not an original idea, started trying this after purchasing 3 in 45 acp semi's. Works particualry well in conical shaped hp's (read xtp's). Silicone is a non-compressible fluid under force, effectively transferring the force to the sides. The corbon Powerballs used stiffer type material, but seems to be same principle.

Some hollow points just keep on expanding out to 1 inch (230 gd), others expand and fold back (xtp,gs)

After almost 10 years, the silicone is still flexible in the initial loads tried.

Anyone have a link to the cd development article referenced?

chris in va

New member
It was in either American Rifleman or Guns and Ammo, a couple months ago. IIRC the Critical Defense ammo was on the cover.