"Home" magazine teflon advice


I have several new old G3 magazines that I would like to teflon coat myself at home..I have heard brownells makes a home teflon kit and would like to know if any one has used this for your 20rounders...or..pls provide an alternative kit that is recomended...or..should I just say the heck with it and send em out to somebody who is well established in this area..I would like to do it myself if that is possible..so any help would be highly appreciated..thanx


New member
Brownell's has several "kits" for the do-it-your-selfer but I am really not sure which is best for your needs. If you decide to do it yourself, here are a few tips: Any contamination at all will ruin the job so get it clean and then clean it some more. Bead/sand blast it down to bare metal and then clean it. Folded/molded/stamped over metal is the worst for holding oil. (Like where the mag body attaches to the feed lip head) Most of the finishes require heat curing. Use the kitchen oven ONLY when the spouse is away from home and use lots of ventilation. Some of that stuff stinks!!! The spray cans will not do as good a job as the air brush on type. The Teflon coatings are not Tefloned like a frying pan. It just has teflon particles mixed in the resin base. Ok, now if you decide to send them out, check out http://www.shootiniron.com
A G3 20 rounder is a "Large" and we do bulk discounts. Thanks and keep yer powder dry, Mac.
Mac's Shootin' Irons


cool link thanx....I have about 7 of these I want to get done...can I get a teflon camo version..some of your camo looks kewl..and what is the price per mag?...and do you teflon coat?..thanx


New member
The G3 20 rounders are $6 each, our Tuff-gun process uses a Molly resin as the final finish, yes we can do a Camo job on mags! Send me an email with a list of what you are thinking about having done and I'll make you a price quote offer. Thanks and keep yer powder dry, Mac.