Home made electronic decoy possible?

lt dan

New member
is it possible? i am from s-africa and although electronic remote controlled predator callers such as foxpro are common found, the reality is that i dont know or have ever heard of locals using decoys with the callers.
now there might be 2 reasons for this. 1- it is not commonly available in africa and most hunters dont even know of their existence. 2- a couple of folks tried it and it didnt work on african predators, so they stopped importing it.

so i dont want to import one if it's not going to work, but if it is possible to built one from stuff laying around i will give it a try.

i have the feeling that it is going to work and work well. i showed a fellow predator hunter some decoy clips on YouTube and seeing as he is an electrician of trade he suggested we can make something out of a wiper motor.

any suggestions.


New member
Lt - are you talking about the "tail-twitch" kind of decoy?

For a minimum investment, I would try something like a tail on a car antenna attached to something springy and move it by attaching a piece of fishing line to it. If you are using it in combo with a call, it won't take much to get their attention focused on it.

At least that would be a cheap way to experiment.

lt dan

New member
davlandrum, my old friend i should have known you would reply. i had something similar in mind as what you suggested. one problem though it was too low tech. lets be honest i have to impress the local boys with my ingenuity. so i bought a remote controlled car and striped it and added a wire to the wheels that is mounted of centre;. next i added a fluffy like toy with a tail to the top of the wire and presto: as soon as i touch the remote control ever so gently the fluffy toy goes berserk. BUT!!!, the proof is in the taste of the beer , i have to take a predator with the decoy before i have bragging rights. i will use the decoy in conjunction with a fox pro.

Irish, that looks perfect, but i have never seen anything like that in local stores, pity though it would definitely work. maybe i should simply import a couple of those

any suggestions for the distance between the decoy and the fox pro?
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