Home Invasion Statistics


New member
Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows the statistics for home invasions in the United States. I assume they go by fiscal years, so 2005 might not have any information yet (2004 is fine). I've googled the bejesus out of it and I can't seem to get any good statistics, not even from government sites.

I need to get the statistics for a speech arguing for gun ownership. All the sites I HAVE found for home invasions say that they are "on the rise" or the like, but never give a solid number or any real information I could quote! Thanks!


Have you tried the National Institute of Justice, Bureau of Justice statistics?

You may run into difficulty because of the different ways that "home invasions" can be categorized. I do not know how many juridciations recognize home invasions separate from burglaries.


New member
Thanks for the tip. Just checked out their site and did a search of all the BJS archives....oddly coming up with ZERO results for any search related to home invasions!