Home (& Gun) Protection Measures, Part V: The Last Line Of Defense


New member
Recently, your home was burglarized. Luckily (maybe), you and your family were not there. The bad news, however, is that various valuable property was stolen, including your $50,000 gun collection. What a tough break!

Unfortunately, you were unable to forsee the situation. Intruders approached your home from the backyard where there were no exterior motion detectors and associated controlled lighting. They broke into a rear door, and of course the house had no security alarm system. Further helping the perpetrators, the house was dark and had no home automation equipment.

Since you did not own a gun safe, your firearms and other valuables were easy prey. And, to top it all off, your homeowner's insurance failed to include special provisions for your high-value possessions. As a result, your last line of defense, insurance, was severely inadequate. Things couldn't have been much worse. Your losses were substantial.

The lessons learned were expensive. Never again would your home, family, and valued possessions be left unprotected.

Starting from square one, you subsequently reviewed all the risks and levels of vulnerability associated with home protection. From now on there would be:

1. Outdoor security sensors and automatic exterior lighting controls.
2. Home automation with timer controlled interior lighting. Even automatic radio controls would serve to break the silence of a sometimes empty home.
3. An exhaustive security alarm system would henceforth protect all doors and windows. Interior motion detectors and glassbreak detectors would provide even more complete intrusion detection capabilities. A loud outdoor alarm siren alerts neighbors, should a break-in occur again. Even the occupants of your home will be instantly alerted by one or more interior sirens. After a preset delay time, the system's voice dialer calls 911 and relays a pre-recorded alarm message, initiating a police response.
4. Your mind derives additional peace with the knowledge that you have a substantial gun safe. Too heavy to carry away, it is very solidly built and can effectively resist compromise.
5. Finally, your insurance coverage has been bolstered to cover the value of your entire new gun collection and other high value possessions.

Now, whether sleeping at home or away on a trip, your mind is at rest. Your home, family, and property are finally well protected with multiple barriers of protection against crime.

Peace at last!


New member
Vrey insightful. Hopefully, folks will take heed and take these prudent steps to secure their property.
