Home Delivery of cased AMMO.?


New member
I have a question for you all,

I recently ordered 2 400 round ammo cans of 30.06 M2 ball.
From a distributor out of Shotgun News.....firm is not important for the scope of this discussion.
What shocked me is that when it arived via UPS delivery.
It was shipped in the CAN....with AMMO written on side....and a single surounding wrap of PlASTIC shipping TAPE....to keep it closed.

So get this....Here comes MR. UPS up my front walk Lugging 2 AMMO cans for him and everyone else to see.

HOW MANY people got my ADDRESS of the shipping LABEL.?
How many snitches working at UPS gotted my name down for the BATF ?
How many undercover agents working for the BATF got my ADRESS themsleves.?
How many crooks between the distributor and my front step NOW KNOW I am a shooter.

For Crying out loud.....couldn't they have put them in a cardboard box...then shipped the cans.
It's bad enough when I order cased ammo in Cardboard boxes.....that it says ammo on side...but some distributors do a decent job of covering that up with shipping labels.

Needless to say I won't be ordering it unless they agree to box wrap my orders.

It still steams me that anyone could have cracked that plastic wrap slipped a few boxes of ammo out cloed the AMMO can again and let it continue.

Your opinions please.



New member
Considering how convienently a box full of inert grenades, being shipped to Mt Carmel, broke open for the ATF, I'd say you made the list. Congratulations, the list is long and distinguished, including me.

I'm pretty much past the point of caring about such things. I'd only be worried about neighborhood punks, looking for a source of ammo.

Alan B

New member
Any time you mail order ammo it comes with a nice fat blue ORD sticker on it so no one can miss it.
Besides if you get any gun Magazines, live in a state that requires any type of permit to purchase(and you have) or you have ordered any type of gun stuff mail order relax, you are all ready on a list. All the Gubberment has to do is get a court order to any of these business for their customer list and well "hello"


New member
I'm thinking about the LOCAL deadbeat working a shift at the UPS depot loading trucks.
Who can get a street map and say "Yep that's the house what just got some ammo".

You can speculate on the rest.



New member
Good point. I really don't need some lowlife UPS worker breaking and entering my home either. I have never had ammo arrive shipped this way, Thank God, but if I had I'd be even more paranoid than I am now. I usually have all such stuff shipped to work anyway but it makes you wonder what they were thinking. As far as the stickers on the box go, yes they can deduce whats inside it but at least it's not as bad as removing all doubt. I've seen similar stickers on boxes containing Carb Cleaner and other chemicals. The run of the mill UPS crook is much more likely to overlook these. As far as the Feds knowing what you got, give it up they know everything they want to know no matter how it was shipped.
Complain to the seller about it. And please let us know who they are so we don't have the same problem.


New member
I don't know about you, I had a friend who lived in a particular bas part of town and he went out and bought a shot gun he made sure to carry in in his house very slowly and in full view so everyone saw it. He wasn't bothered since. I wouldn't mind people seeing it, it is a big deterant. Doesn't statistics prove crime falls when more people are armed? Isn't that why criminals don't pick on armed men?
Agree or disagree, thats my 2 cents.


New member
I agree Hoosierboy,

But that all is true until you leave your house. And then they KNOW there is a good chance they are going to find a nice GUN cabinet, in the house.
I've never been afraid INSIDE my home.
But have been concerened when I am away from it. Especially if I forget to ARM the ALARM system.
NOW the MINE field, and the LAZER grid that stays on ALL the time.
If your Not wearing the proper ID badge transmitting the proper disable code....YOUR TOAST..! :)


Greg L

New member
I had a case of ammo shipped here last year. The first that I knew when it had arrived was when my 7 year old came in carrying it and complaining how heavy it was. Apparently the driver just handed him the box (with the appropriate stickers screaming ammunition). No signature from me required let alone seeing if I was at home at the time. As far as having it shipped here, I have no problem with it as I'm sure I'm on some lists already. One more won't really matter and it is much cheaper ordering online.


New member
Never hadta sign for it here, and "here" is Kalifornia. Guess they haven't got ALL the bases covered, yet.

The Bible is my lawbook. I turn the other cheek when applicable, and spend the rest of my days resisting evil at every front, until I have breathed my last breath.


New member
I have had at least half a dozen ammo shipments sitting at my door, clearly marked, and am amazed that nothing has been stolen yet, and/or nobody has freaked out and called the police because an armed maniac must live here. (Good thing the Chief of Police here is a friend of mine, and is about as much of an armed maniac as I am.) Same deal with some parts & accessories orders... $200+ worth of stuff just left outside my front door! Simply amazing.
UPS- Universally Pathetic Shipping. Take Care- Dakotan


New member
Be happy it wasn't the inflatable sheep.
I don't care if the UPS man, neighbors or the BATF knows I'm a gun owner and shooter. I'm not embarrassed about it and I keep my weapons locked in a very good safe so I'm no more concerned with burglary than any of my neighbors. A big problem is the "closet" gun owners. Nobody sees these wonderful men and women as being representative of the gun owning public. They're left with the vision foisted on them by the media that gun owners are weird, dangerous fringe element types.


New member
Oh make no mistake, Bullshot; I'm no "Closet firearms owner" by any stretch of the imagination. I ran a gun shop here for several years (until 1994; note the timing), and every LEO in town still recognizes me, and waves. I just have a problem with several hundred dollars worth of ammo or hardware dropped in front of my door and left there unsupervised!- Dakotan


New member
You think that is bad. The first firearm I bought was in ND. As a MN resident it was sent across the border by taxi. I picked it up on the MN side at the gun store. "I walked in the gun was on top of the counter unattended" I picked it up, checked the serial##, waited, checked the papers, waited. I finally walked out of the store and put the gun into my car. "waited" Then went back in the store and finally found one of the gun dept people. "had to have them paged" I asked for my gun and guess what?? He couldn't find it. He called the other 3 people "working" the gun dept. No luck. They looked high and low. I suggested if they knew it had been on the counter they check the security tapes. "Fake camera, no tapes, cost savings" Finally I told them I already had my gun and to have a nice day. Boy were they ticked!!! "I had already paid and gone through all background checks." They just had to hand it to me and they left it out in the open. I knew some of the local PD and told them. They told me that store had reported 3 guns stolen in that year. "It was March"
Even if they had a camera I was wearing a heavy blue jean jacket, beard, shades, hat. My own friends couldn't ID me in that outfit. Winter clothes