Home defense without firearm


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Robotic ball that chases burglars
By David Millward
(Filed: 14/02/2005)

A large black ball, originally designed by Swedish scientists for use on Mars, could be the latest weapon in the war against burglars.

The device, developed at the University of Uppsala, acts as a high-tech security guard capable of detecting an intruder thanks to either radar or infra-red sensors. Once alerted, it can summon help, sound an alarm or pursue the intruders, taking pictures.

It is capable of travelling at 20mph, somewhat faster than a human being. Even worse for intruders, the robot ball can still give chase over mud, snow and water.

The ball relies on an internal pendulum to control its motion which, when shifted, changes the centre of gravity and starts it rolling.

Other devices, including microphones, cameras, heat sensors and smoke detectors are mounted on its central axis.

Nils Hulth, co-founder of Rotundus, the company which is marketing the ball, said it was especially well-suited to patrolling perimeter fences.

The prototype, just under 2ft in diameter, weighs about 10lb. "It is extremely light, which is why it moves so fast," Mr Hulth said.

While the current version can only raise the alarm, it could be adapted to corner an intruder if the customer wanted, Mr Hulth added.

Patrick Mercer, the Tory MP who is campaigning to give people greater rights to defend their property against burglars, thought the robot ball could have potential: "It would be interesting to see whether the ball had used grossly disproportionate force or whether it would be deemed reasonable.

"But I would much rather a burglar be terrified of householders and shopkeepers, rather than some sort of futuristic device."


New member
ok guys, lets tear this one apart! i'll start: what if it goes haywire and doesn't recognize the homeowner? you will probably have to shoot it with a 12-guage! :D


New member
What if the intruder just shoots it? Or runs out the door, let's it follow, then steps back in and closes the door? Or hits it with a crowbar?
And I just thought of something else, what if the intruder is so "traumatized" by being chased around with a black ball, that he sues you! You may as well have just shot him instead, you'd get sued either way, at least in my state.
RWK you read my mind.......

Whatever happend to KISS(not the rock band :D ). As this is quickly becoming my favorite saying: Technology is not always the answer :rolleyes: ! You need a big dog(will recongnize family and less prone to malfunctions), a gun (which will do more to end a crime in progress than turn it into a "photo opp."), and a GOOD LAWYER(who can sort through the "red tape" more effectively than the 2' and 10lbs of beachball ever could.....).

This beachball could MAYBE watch my house while on vacation :) .
Could it make me sleep better at night?.....Only if I lived Kommiefornia where most guns are illegal and dreams come true :rolleyes: :p

OH wait! I forgot it can travel on water, mud, and snow(which I have a crap-load of in my place, don't you?). That changes everything! Where can I sign up, hell I'll take the prototype :barf: ........


New member
I thought I was the first one to come up with the idea of a spherical robot that moves by shifting its center of gravity.

Guess not.


... And I wonder who the first "intruder" will be that figures out that all they have to do is pick it up and take it with them ;)


Moderator Emeritus
LAK beat me to it. What's to keep the thief from just taking the ball, too? Or tossing it over the fence?


New member
Forget home defense. I want to take one of these suckers bowling. Self propelled and radar guided? If that puppy could be shrunk down and painted black, I could have myself a perfect score every time I went out.