Home Defense, Nasty Ammo, & The Fear of The Perp Getting Your Hand Gun In A Struggle


New member
Hey all,
this is my first post here as i have been reading threads here for a while....and thought i would join and offer my .02
this is a great forum with lots of info......awesome website IMHO

well last night i started researching boutique ammo(stuff you probably wouldnt find at the gunshop).....and i found some really neat stuff to shoot out of my H&K USP .45 Compact.....but after seeing some really nice ammo that would work well in a home defense situatuon (does majore damage to tissue).....im curious to how many have ever considered this scenario.....

in regards to "nasty ammo"....(nasty in terms of whether or not you would ever want to be looking down the barrel with that stuff in there)
you know the stuff that frags like the Triton Quick Shock or others, Incendiary Tracers(i know why would that be in a home defense handgun?, but stick with me here).......

i was thinking how cool it would be to have some rounds like that loaded in the magazine.....

just hypothetical of course.....

you keep the handgun were you can get to it......knowing it has rounds in it that can really do some majore damage......

say you are still in bed or weary brushing the sleep from your eyes and the purp manages to get your gun from you and and points it back at you.....(most people would start rattling rounds off to make him think twice, but say he does get it and is pointing it at your gut threatening to shoot)

heaven forbid this is a horrible situation to think about......
but have you guys ever thought about it?

how would you handle it? advice? tips?

i was thinking the best situation would be two load 2 or 3 good HP's in the mag and the rest FMJ......and perhaps keep a spare mag of the hot stuff where you can get to it in a pinch.....
is that logically sound?

Christopher II

New member
is that logically sound?
No, it isn't.

- The chance that the bad guy gets your gun and uses it on you is much less than the chance that you'll get your gun and use it on him.
- If the bad guy is pointing your gun at you, I don't care whether it has FMJs, JHPs, or IDBs* in it - you're in a world of hurt.
- Frankly, there's not enough difference in the terminal performance of dirrerent types of handgun ammo to even worry about.

- Chris

* - IDBs = Instant Death Bullets. ;)

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Also remember that there's an important difference between lethality and stopping power. The "nasty ammunition" as you call it is designed to increase stopping power, not necessarily lethality (though of course there is often a difference.) When you're pointing a gun at a guy who's attacking you, you want stopping power to make him drop as fast as possible, but you don't necessarily care whether he dies after that.

When he is pointing the same gun at you, stopping power is still important (you don't want to be put out of the fight) but lethality suddenly plays a much bigger part--and from your point of view, the difference in lethality between simply FMJs and WunderBullets is negligible. Either one will kill you dead.


New member
good points guys.......

i think i thought a little too much into it.......and didnt realize that yeah...you could be killed with either one.....

i guess thats what i get for thinking..... :)


New member
If you start loading your handgun with the mindset of the attacker taking it and using it against you then maybe you should consider not having the handgun at all. You have in your mind lost the fight before it even started.


say you are still in bed or weary brushing the sleep from your eyes and the purp manages to get your gun from you and and points it back at you.....(most people would start rattling rounds off to make him think twice, but say he does get it and is pointing it at your gut threatening to shoot)

Well, this indicates a problem with your planning, preparation and execution.

heaven forbid this is a horrible situation to think about...... how would you handle it? advice? tips?

Yep. Horrible. Best way to handle it is to try and make sure it doesn't happen. Plan to the extent that someone cannot take you by surprize. That no one can gain entry into your home without making sufficient noise to have you wide awake, without some delay even if they have neat tools - and even once they are inside things are in your favor. And that your intruder doesn't stand a chance.


New member
Re: "nasty ammo"

Simple - it's designed and marketed to be "nasty" to your wallet and little else.

A good modern hollow point will work as planned roughy 80 - 85% of the time across the board if you average up all of the supposed "stats" for one shot stops and such. Bottom line here is shoot twice and hope the second is not needed. If something or someone deserves to be shot once, they deserve to be shot twice.

Re: Awakend in the night.(home defense)
A gun or a weapon of any sort is:
- Last line of defense.
- Only a small part of a basic plan.
Law enforcement officers have a legitimate concern about having a weapon taken from them and used against them. If it happens to you in your home, then you've failed at several key points along the way to getting in that situation. Somewhat contrary to what C.R Sam says about scripting your next encounter, inside your home is your home-court advantage. A weapon of any sort is your trump card. By the time it's needed, several "layers" should have already been breeched. (dogs - alarms - lights -camera - action ;) ,,etc,)

say you are still in bed or weary brushing the sleep from your eyes and the purp manages to get your gun from you and and points it back at you.....(
Again - repeated for emphasis. This is exactly the situation you have to avoid;the type of situation you read about someone shooting a loved one by mistake. As LAK says above, it's a breakdown of you're entire "plan".


New member
Get a dog. Preferably a big dog, but at miminum a dog that barks. The dog will wake you long before a perp gets to your bed, and hopefully your dog will also fight for you.


New member
Your firearm is typically your last line of home defense. To be in a situation where you need it means every other security measure you've taken has utterly failed. Someone is in your house, and you're standing there in your skivvies with your peashooter in your hand. You need to think about this a lot before it ever happens. There are so many varibles that come into play here that no one plan will be correct for every situation. Who else lives with you? Where are they in the house? Is the person you hear a family member? Or friend? You first need to identify whether or not there is a threat. DO NOT EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOOT AT SOMETHING OR SOMEONE YOU HAVE NOT POSITIVELY ABSOLUTELY IDENTIFIED!!!!!!!! Think about that for awhile.

If you think a goblin is in your house, and there are no other family members in other rooms to protect, you might, MIGHT, I say, consider arming yourself and staying right where you are. Listen. Is there more than one? Think through several scenarios and develop your own plan, with options. A firearm in your hand without the proper mindset to use it could cost you your life. Your mind is your primary weapon, the firearm is just a tool.


New member
Thanks guys......

i have thought alot of that through already........but i get what you are saying......i was just saying.....if you are a sound sleeper and say someone jumps on you while youre trying to get to you gun.......
thats where i was trying to go with that......
not "the proper way to deal with the situation"

ok say no one lives with me and someone does break in and is bent on destruction and death.......

say its in another room......

i have always been from the school of "wait and listen" and see what is going on.....
go into stealth mode and assess the situation......
who could it be? why are things breaking in my house? etc......

i have always thought the best way to avoid shooting, if you encounter a perp, and after the situation has thoroughly been assessed is to say as loud as possible within earshot......" i have a gun, this is your chance to leave, you have been warned"

and if you still hear things breaking.....and the guy aint leaving.....

well then i guess its time for plan B......
try to detain until the cops show or it all goes south.....

plan C.....
squeeze em out until its empty.....