Holy Schnike! This girl is talented.


New member
I timed her. She did it under a minute for sure.

I have a feeling the girl would rather be playing with barbie dolls. But quality
time spent with daddy is more important.

Good for her.


New member
Daniel said:
Is it wrong to be jealous of an 11 year old girl. I wish I could do that in under 5 minutes.

Consider her as your niece and you her uncle. After all, we're one big family,

That was cute. Any activity that a kid enjoys and shares with her father
is irreplaceable and healthy.

Rant Casey

New member
Seen it 100 times, she has a few other videos up, tactical shooting etc.. Great kid.

I'm kind of ashamed she has me beat, i'd have her dead to rights but I can't believe how fast she manages the retaining pin, I usually fumble about then.


New member
Ill just go ahead and say it.

She didn't show clear before she started.:p

Just kiddin im sure daddy did it. she is pretty fast though.