Holster trouble...help please


New member
I am having a damn hard time trying to find a holster. All the ones I am looking at have been online,b/c they are cheaper online. The best site I have come accross so far is cheaperthandirt.com. I have been eyeing some unclemikes holsters cuz I have an ankle oneby them and really like it. The type I am looking for are thumb snap, waiste holster. Not a fan of paddle/pancake types. The problem is I have a SW40VE, and at times find it hard to figure out what ones will fit it, if it doesnt exactly list it.

Any help would be appreciated
these are some of the ones I have been looking at. Prices look good,andit doesnt matter to me what they are made from. Also If you look closely, there are minor differencesthat the pictures def do not show,but the writing will.



New member
I can't help you with that gun, but here is a link to check out.


Look in the drop down menu and follow it through. Maybe you will find something.

I just ordered 2 UM's this last week from Midsouth. It was more or less to add something to the order along with the other one item I really needed.

There price seemed to be in the ball park, but you may find better prices.

Midwayusa.com has a holster selection guide too, but they had nothing in the size I needed. If you don't know Midwayusa, I order from them often and have had perfect service and good prices and many readers here use them.

Midsouth, I can't tell you yet about their service as this was is my first order.

I have many holster sites bookmarked but I have not done business with any of them. I am sure someone will jump in here and give you some suggestions!

moose fat

New member
At the top of the page you'll see "Forum Rules, .... Calendar, ... Search". Do a forum search for Holsters and look for the one by "krang" A List of holster Makers.


New member
Word of advice is to skip the generic cheap holsters. A quality holster designed for the gun is lightyears ahead in comfort, support, and stability. The gun, holster, and belt is a package that only works well when paired up correctly.


New member
Ya my bro has a brand new Glock 23 they are identicle in size.

Also thanks to everyone for all the help and links


New member
Ya my bro has a brand new Glock 23 they are identicle in size.

Some caution should be used. Many guns will fit in a holster made for another gun but we often find that the thumbreak straps are not compatible due to different backstrap and slide lengths. You may end up with a holster with a thumbreak too short to snap or too long to properly retain the gun.