Holdin my Breath 4 Free Brass


New member
A friend a mine called earlier this week and said he has two full five gallon buckets of misc brass once fired that he is just gonna give me. He said he doesnt ever plan to reload because he has no time. I told him I would pay him for them and he said no big deal, Just use what you can of them. Supposed to hook up with him Wed. this comin week. If all goes well,,I should have some rifle brass to sell by Xmas.


The guy is nuts! That's over a hundred bucks at the metal scrap yard. I've almost got my second 5 gallon bucket filled. That's when I hit up Sims Metal Management. :cool:


New member
Demigod--what ya at for brass there?. I just took 8000 223 to our scrap yard and got 94.47 for it I think it's about 1.17 per lb here. I probebly have 1 or 2 buckets of odd military and others piled up downstairs too.


New member
Funny bout the scrap yards... the one next to me wont take cartridge brass....but the one next to him will....but I load for him alot..so he said I could have em.


New member
Kinda strange here too,Last year they would take them as long as all primers were removed,This year they don't care.:)


Demigod--what ya at for brass there?. I just took 8000 223 to our scrap yard and got 94.47 for it I think it's about 1.17 per lb here. I probebly have 1 or 2 buckets of odd military and others piled up downstairs too.

That sounds a little low. I can't remember what I last got for brass last time, but it was when copper prices were around $3 per lb... I think I got near $1.80. I sold 87 lbs since my buckets weren't quite full to the top.

Copper is OVER $4 per pound now!! I hope I can finish my second bucket of brass while the market is that good.

When I called the usual recycler I go to, they tried to screw me. Their price wasn't even close to what Metal Management paid.


New member
Demigod- I should sell you mine for 2.00 a lb and you can sell it for 4.oo lb.We both would make a nice profit off this ha ha:)


The $4 is copper spot price. The recyclers don't pay that for brass. I just use the copper spot price as a guage of what yellow brass is going for since brass is mostly copper. If I get $2 a lb on my next trip, I'll be happy!

Miata Mike

New member
I would be in heaven with two full pails. :D I don't know why but I just love polishing and resizing/depriming range brass. Makes no sense as it is mind numbing boring. ;)


I agree. I love turning brass into ammo. But there's always bad brass, berdan primed brass, old rifle brasss, .380 brass, etc. that I just don't want to throw in the trash. I save it up and sell it.


New member
Yes... he said he thought it was mostly pistol brass..and the larger portion of the rifle brass would be 30-06... but he had no idea how many calibers where in there at all...


New member
If there is any .45 acp would you be willing to part with a couple hundred? If so, how much? I'm about to start reloading and I'm looking for some brass to get me started.