Hogue overmold stock: that doesn't seem right....


New member
I just received my new Hogue overmold stock with the aluminum block. There seems to be something unfinished about the center action screw pillar. Metal surrounds the rear hole at the 12, 4,8 positions. It looks to me as though the rear portion of the aluminum block wasn't machined down completely. Sorry for the poor pictures, it's hard to capture silver on silver.

If you have installed or owned one, let me know how yours compares.


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New member
I own one Hogue stock with the aluminum bedding channel. The barrel and action dropped into the stock perfectly. I was very pleased with the fit and quality of the stock. It is a little heavy, but accuracy of the rifle seemed to improve noticeably. I say 'seemed to' because it's hard to be absolutely positive, and I didn't measure groups carefully before the stock replacement. I later had to modify the stock a bit for the Timney trigger installation, and some aluminum had to be removed. A Dremel tool took care of that quite well.

If the action didn' t drop in easily and perfectly, I'd be on the phone to Hogue for discussion.

Hunter Customs

New member
I put one on my Remington 700 30-06 BDL, the stock fit ok but I just did not care for it as much as I thought I would.

Took it off, put the factory stock back on and sold the Hogue at wholesale price.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter


New member
yep, I've sent an email with pics to Hogue. This isn't a thread to bash Hogue; I just expected the aluminum bar to be smooth and flat on the top where it mates to the receiver. I'll let you know what I learn.
