Hogs & oranges.....update.....


New member
So we went back for the THIRD time in over a week to see if the hogs have had at the oranges. And for the third time the darn things have been right next to them and not touched them.....??

As you can see in the picture there is a place where a big one wallows in the sand not a few feet away.......and it's worth noting that it rained 24 hours before this picture was taken so the sign you see is fresh......not put down before the oranges.

They've been there......just have not tried the fruit.....go figure.



New member
An experiment.

I tried oranges on a Farmer friends Domestic Hogs. These were whole oranges. They ignored them. With a separate group, same breed, I tried cutting a few in half. They would nose them around. One animal "nibbled". I think it's the Citrus Oil. I'm guessing with their highly developed sense of smell it's unpleasant to their sense of smell. You may be on to something. When we lived in FL. we tried Concertina wire as a denial boundary. It worked, but it was tough to keep it anchored in place. One morning I found an impaled, ****** off Hog "in the wire". What a mess. After I killed it I had +200lbs of dead hog tangled up in Concertina. I don't know if the Hogs learned anything, I did, concertina works, but, it may not be worth it.


New member
Surprised they don't like oranges, they will eat almost anything else on earth. Acorns, corn, almost anything will attract them. Story in our statewide paper today about the feral hog problem in Arkansas. We are not alone, almost every state is having a big problem with them.


Staff In Memoriam
If you can get a few heads of cabbage from the store as they get old, maybe the hogs will like that more than the bears do...



New member
r u just tring to feed the hogs or what
if it was me i would feed them some lead lol
the gabbage carrots corn nuts and apples all sould do better than oranges


Staff In Memoriam
Yeah... And what sucks is to find out you also have a decent size bear population and no legal way to keep them off your hog bait.

No bear season in FL yet...:mad:


Hog Buster

New member
Go buy them a 50 pound sack of corn. It’ll only cost you about $10.00. Spread a couple of pounds around. Continue to feed them a bit every few days. If they’re any in the area they’ll keep coming and tear up the area like in this attached picture.


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New member
like the man(hog buster) said ......buy a bag of corn and put out a coffee cans worth a day or....,
try rice bran,,also sold in the 50 lb. sack and usually about the same cost, about $7 here....bears would find the rice bran hard work while a hog will hoover it up...
you wanna see what hogs you got ,sour some corn with sugar and water a few days and put that out.....if they can smell it ...they will come running.


New member
As a kid I would help my grandpa bring the slop bucket out to the pigs after supper, I remember there being orange peels in there, along with coffee grounds, and you name it. I doubt he would have put the peels in there if the pigs weren't eating them. Maybe your pigs have other food around and have the choice of being picky.