Hog the size of a Shetland Pony traaps woman in home.


New member
This is just too funny...

Rescue Planned for Woman Trapped in Home by Giant Pig

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A huge pig called Bruce has trapped a terrified woman in her home in Australia.

Caroline Hayes, 63, tried to leave her house in Uki, New South Wales, to use the outdoor toilet, but the animal bit her and shoved her back inside.

Bruce, who is the size of a Shetland pony, showed up at her home 10 days ago after his owners were unable to cope with him and let him loose in the rainforest.

Hayes began feeding the beast, but he became more aggressive, demanding more food and biting her on the leg when she tried to go to the toilet.

Local rangers tried to rescue her but could not capture the huge animal.

The case has now been handed over to the Rural Lands Protection Board (RLPB), who have promised not to put the animal down.

Hayes told how she took pity on the beast, but it soon took over her home.

"When I found it, it had 15 ticks in its eyes which I actually took out," she said.

"One of its eyes it couldn't see out of, so I put cream in it, but apparently it's actually claimed my land and claimed my place.

"It started getting very pushy, started pushing me around, so I started to get a bit frightened, until the stage that it started knocking on my door at 4 a.m., actually head-butting my door.”

An aggressive several hundred pound hog which has gone feral attacks a woman, traps her in her home, and the gov't is scratching its head in rural Australia to figure out how to handle the situation. Oh, and they have promised not to put the animal down!

It's a freaking feral pig! Shoot the blasted thing and be done with it. That nobody there has the sense to handle the situation in or out of that gov't is amazing. This woman is so rural she has an outhouse yet everyone out there has forgotten or handed over their ability to be self sufficient.

I say turn the nation over to the pig.

Anybody here have a suggestion on how to handle the problem?

C Philip

New member
Sounds like the woman wants it as a pet. Good luck taming it. That pig will cause a lot of trouble no matter where it goes. The best solution it to shoot it and invite all the neighbors for a roast.
humans are indeed on a pig's menu, they litteraly are 'eaters of oppurtunity'. get some bushman in there with his .303 and put a hole or 3 in the derned thing.


Staff In Memoriam
Doesn't have to have a dang thing to do with guns... it is about a huntable animal... Guns or dogs or archery gear would suffice. So i vote to leave the thread alone. My hog hunting rarely includes my guns...


New member
Real Quick Pig Fact

How fast do domestic pigs go feral? It's fast, very fast, that much I know, but how fast exactly?


Staff In Memoriam
I venture to say that once free of a pen and food source is located they won't want much to do with humans!


New member
But...this has what to do with guns?
The fact that people forgot what guns are for and let the politicians take them away, I guess. I recommend that the old lady stay indoors before meal times, and carefully consider where and when she goes outside at all times. Of course, she could solve the problem with a 22 Short and have the neighbors over for a BBQ, but she wants a pet.


New member
Even here in Norway were all animals are off limits unless other is established by the wildlife department, i would say the unofficial standard procedure for sutch situations is a permanent, terminal solution. I am thinking something like a 30-06.:rolleyes:

We dont have any kind of huntable bore in Norway, yet. But they are comming from the south-east, from Sweden.:(:):mad::D:eek:


New member
If she wants a pet pig she should aquire one of those little Vietnamese pot belly pigs about the size of a terrier. Otherwise maybe some pepper spray would work on that hogs sensetive nose. Wait pepper spray is a defensive weapon sort of thing. Maybe not allowed, either! Or it might make a good seasoning before the roast! Spicy pork. Ummmm


Staff In Memoriam
Tom, The problem there is a potbelly will be small for about 3 months...
I have seen penned up full grown potbelly pigs sporting 5 inches of ivory out of their mouth.
And they do crossbreed in the wild with other feral species.
I once knew a booby dancer/hooker (really she was just a friend) that thought that chihuahua size piglet would be her motel companion for ever! Funny how fast them squealing cuties will grow into a gruntin' porker... The piglet grew real fast too:D


New member
I think we need a better solution than just shooting the pig. Like hogzilla should have been, we need to catch this pig and tranquilize him for shipment. The object is to get him hungry, then turn him loose in the building or cave where some Al Quaeda big wig is holed up. :D


New member
Feral hogs have no natural enemy other than man. If killing the hog is not wanted, then it needs to be trapped in a pin set, tranquilized, and hauled off to the far outback. Frankly, I'd just kill the thing and call it a memory.


New member
First, get three thousand gerbils
then set up a gerbil basic training post
next train them in at least three martial arts... Oh wait, never mind

Just shoot the dang thing and be done with it. If you won't kill it use a trank dart with some anesthetic like trazedone or something, thorazine, anything. Then haul the sucker off to slaughter.