Hog Bait.


New member
Does anyone know the best way to attract hogs? a buddy and i went out a month ago and used some slop that we figured would work that had been sitting in a barrel for over a year with a very unique smell that we thought the hogs in the area would have been running for. They never touched the stuff. I wanted to see what the best would be. I have heard sweet feed 2-3 cups of deer corn and 5 gallons of apple juice. Combine it all and let it sit for a month.

Also i have heard about just deer corn and big red. Anyone else have any favorite recipes?


New member
I too had heard "deer corn and Big Red". Where we hunt we're not allowed to bait:( so no firsthand experience, but I'm looking forward to hearing others' answers.



It's gonna take them awhile to find it unless it's a really strong smell. I've heard any number of combinations of the following, buried in post hole:

1. Fish heads/guts
2. Milk
3. Corn
4. Beer
5. Strawberry Shasta or anything similar with berry flavor
6. Diesel fuel (yes, diesel fuel - they like the smell of petroleum produts for some reason).

on and on

Just put stuff together that is gonna ferment/ripen to a strong smell so if they get within reasonable distance, they'll smell it. Bury it to keep other scavengers off of it - the pigs will dig it up, but they roam far and wide, so it may take some time for them to discover.

john in jax

New member
I think all you need to do is dump a bunch of feed corn on the ground and be patient. But someone posted this a while back and it sounds like a good idea.

Get some thin wall 4" PVC, cut it into sections about 2' long and cap. Use posthole diggers to plant your tube with the opening at ground level. Fill with corn and pour in 2 or 3 cans or beer. According to whoever posted it, hogs love the stuff.

One animal-lover I know put up a deer (corn) feeder, so the deer could stay on her place where they'd be safe. She soon had so many hogs trashing her property, that she took down the feeder and came real close to letting me hunt them.


One animal-lover I know put up a deer (corn) feeder, so the deer could stay on her place where they'd be safe. She soon had so many hogs trashing her property, that she took down the feeder and came real close to letting me hunt them.

Saving them from the bad bad hunters eh? Freakin hilarious. :D

To take a contrary approach to making stuff ferment.... if you put diesel fuel on the corn, and place it in the PVC pipe, then you do NOT then have to go to the trouble of burying it. Just drill 10 or 15 half-inch holes through the pipe in random spots, and cap both ends. The hogs will be attracted to it because of the smell. when they find it, they will roll it around to get the corn to trickle out - so it will last longer this way. The diesel fuel will have the added bonus of keeping other varmints off of the corn. Plus, the corn stays crunchy; not soft like if you put beer or milk on it. This helps in sneaking up on the hogs. If they are eating it, crunching in their heads, it's harder for them to hear you. www.texasboars.com


New member
If there are lots of pigs in your area - simple non scented corn will attract them-but there is a trick- it must be there every day and pigs will be there almost every day(so the feeder is great help)-trust me. If the pig population is not so big you must attract them with smell-but it is interesting that, for example, that they won't touch fish if it wasn't burried in the ground for a while and fermented(this is my experiece), fruit is also very good-apples,pears...
Autumn is the hardest time of the year to attract them becuse they have plenty food in the woods-chesnuts... In this time of year it is easier to hunt them in the woods on their paths.



New member
Just plain old whole feed corn. You can sit on it and shoot coons till the hogs find it. :)

I have used sour corn with mixed results, it may help the hogs find your bait a little quicker. However, just getting them to find it doesn't mean they will stay around for long. We feed all year and the hogs come and go.


New member
Yep, diesel works in more than one way. First, the hogs do love it, but not necessarily as food. They like to rub on it just like they do phone poles leaking creosote.
Second, you pour a little diesel over the corn you lay out for them so deer and other animals will not eat it.
Another good bait is to dig a hole about a foot deep, pour in the corn and then waste a good Coors light or two over it. It will sour shortly and they will dig it up.

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
Readily available food sources, have more to do with how fast they will come into bait, than anything else. Here in southeastern Oklahoma, the food is just about gone for the year, and it is pretty easy to get them to come to almost any kind of corn, or bait. If you are in an area that has an abundant food source for them, it will take longer to get them to come to bait.

Some of the guys I hunt with, bag up their deer innards, from deer season and freeze them. After deer season is over, they will take them out and bait for varmints with them. They will get as many hogs to come to them as they get yotes and other varmints.

As for me, I just stick to corn in a pipe, buried in the ground. If you have a place where you can keep corn for them on a regular basis, they will find it pretty quick. I think you could probably use about anything for bait, as I haven't seen much that a hog won't eat, if they are hungry.

I shot a 15lb porker with my bow, yesterday, and we are smoking him as I type. YUM YUM :D


Sweet, WBB, you must be a good bow shot - that's a small target! Sounds tasty..... good idea about using deer innards for hog bait.

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
I don't know about the good shot thing, a big sow came up at about 15 yards from me and had about 10 or 12 little ones with her. I THINK I hit the one I was aiming at, but I wouldn't bet on it.:(


New member
If you have a feed store or Co-op near just go talk to them and tell them your trying to kill some hogs. The guy allways gives us old horse feed thats going bad. We have had up to 7 pigs in a swinging door trap we built when I was in highschool. I have also heard of putting corn in a 5 gal bucket with some beer. We allways just drank the beer so it didnt work well for us.

I dont know if anyone has ever heard of this but someone told me people will cut 55 cal drums in half and bend the sides up into some kind of sharp point resembling the inside of a fish trap. The hog goes in for the corn and then pulls his head out and is stuck. Then I dont know what happens from there. Just something I have heard.

good luck. kill as many as you can.


New member
Most important factor is finding out where they are entering and existing your area, then fine tune a feeder in a location where they are on the fringe of cover and they will feel safer and come every morning & afternoon.

here is my method. find good rooting areas that have new & old rooting (this tells u that they frequent that location) then take a 4" 6' section of PVC and cap 1 end and drill 10-15 1/2" holes in it. take and fill it full of Whole corn. put another cap on the end such that u can attach a cable or chain to it then attach the cable to a tree or pole. the hogs will move that pipe around until they are full of it is empty. it could take several weeks or a few days to empty it. set out 3-4 of these in different locations until u find the ones getting used alot then setup a game camera and after u observe enough sightings setup a REAL feeder close by.

if they are only coming out in the middle of the night then keep moving your setup and camera closer to the nearest woods/cover. u will eventually find a spot that they feel comfortable at during daylight hours.


New member
Hog bait is easy...all of the above works...BUT I like to speed up the process:

Get a 5 gallon bucket, fill 1/2 full w/ corn.

By cheap soda, any soda - 2to 3 3 liter bottles.

Pour over corn. fill the rest of the way w/ water. Add 2 tablespoons bread yeast. Stir, keep at room temp w/ lid on it.

in 24 hours, you got you some p-i-g hog bait... pour out or bury partially.