HOAX ALERT: Walmart stops selling ammo


New member
There is a hoax being perpetrated on firearms owners and Walmart. It is being said that Walmart has stopped ordering, stocking and selling ammo.


I work for Walmart and I spoke to corporate today. They say that this is a hoax. They are still ordering, stocking, and selling ammo.

The problem is the panic buying that is occurring due to the Obama administration threatening firearms laws. It is not due to Walmart stopping sales. Our shelves are empty of just about everything at my store.

If you know anyone who is spreading this load of BS please inform them that they are spreading a false rumor/hoax.

Anyone who wishes to check this out for themselves call 800-WALMART and follow the prompts to speak to a representative.


New member
Hey, thanks for the update.

So, what about the rumor that they intend to stop selling firearms? Several people have told me this, but they never seem to have any real source for their information.


New member
I only spoke to them on the ammo issue. If Walmart goes the way of Dick's and Cheaper Than Dirt they will lose many, many customers.

Someone posted this picture at another site yesterday. I have no idea of why it was posted or if it was an in-store decision by the manager. I also do not know where this store was located which posted this sign.

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New member
Yep, I just bought a ton of ammo at Walmart yesterday including 22lr, 9mm, and 12ga. Unfortunately the 223 sold out the day before.

Ben Towe

New member
Someone posted this picture at another site yesterday. I have no idea of why it was posted or if it was an in-store decision by the manager. I also do not know where this store was located which posted this sign.

If all stores are like my local one, the manager has no authority over what they sell or order. Or even how many cash registers are open. All these decisions are made by corporate. My bet is that the pic is a hoax. Lack of punctuation and poor letter spacing are evident.


New member
Even though Walmart has policies for or against things, it's easy for a manager to perform acts in accordance with personal beliefs. Some time may pass before its discovered and may result in a wrist slap.

I have immediate relatives employed by Walmart, you wouldn't believe how much product is never put on the shelves and returned because the supposed powerless management chose not to sell it.

It's not far fetched that a manager uses this as a reason to further their own values. It happens in every business, Walmart is not immune.


New member
Wal-Marts are at the mercy of their managers, and even activist employees.

I had a local employee tell me that Wal-Mart no longer sells handgun and semiautomatic rifle ammo (and will only stock bird and clay shotgun loads) because the former can be used to kill people.

...2 days later the ammo case was stocked with 22LR, 9mm, 38 spcl, 40, and 45 ACP again.


untill the ceo or vp or president of walmart corporation releases a press statement, anything said by someone answering the 1800 walmart number is meaningless.

my store has gotten absolutely no handgun ammunition shipped in 4 weeks. all weve done is get sell what we had in inventory. we have lots of rifle and shotgun ammo, however prices have gone up a typical 3 dollars a box. and the funny thing is, some types of 22lr ammunition has DOUBLED in price.


New member
Anyone can quickly tape a sign they've printed to the outside of the ammo case.

I would expect WM management to put such a sign on the inside if it was from them, provide a little more information and be a little more careful about making it readable (i.e. not splitting words across line breaks). Not saying this is the case, but around here, WM is still selling what they are able to get in.

I got 4 boxes of 9mm yesterday because I happened to be there as they were stocking the 3 cartons of 3 different caliber ammo that trickled in.
HOAX ALERT: Walmart stops selling ammo

LOL, the number of rumors flying around right now, not just Walmart, but everywhere, and are seemingly countless. Rumors about Walmart seem to be ongoing when it comes to gun stuff.

Of course, jim, my Walmart wasn't selling ammo last time I was there, which would seem counter to your claims. My statement is true, but missing critical information. They didn't have any ammo left to sell. :D


New member
What is up with the mad face, spacecoast? Some of us shoot a lot of ammo. I typically buy in 1000 round lots.

If I bought at WalMart, I would also buy a ton.


New member
Not really mad, it's just that my Wal-Mart (in Central FL, by the way) hasn't had any .22LR for weeks. If they had it, I would buy at least 2K rounds. What I would really like though is some Federal Auto Match, I'm nearly out of that.

I reload everything but .22LR and 7.62x39, and fortunately I snagged nearly the last case of that at pre-panic prices from Sportsmans Guide. :D

Carne Frio

New member
My local Walmart will gladly sell you any and all of
their ammo. They don't have any 9mm or 40S&W
or 7.62 x 39, though. They have some .223 and
a whole lot of the other calibers and gauges.:D


New member
untill the ceo or vp or president of walmart corporation releases a press statement, anything said by someone answering the 1800 walmart number is meaningless.

She read me the release. Call 800-WALMART and they will read it to you as well.

Uncle Buck

New member
More information: The Sporting Good department manager found out that no further orders are being taken in order to aid in making sure that when ammo does come in, it is distributed evenly. As the ordering system works, if a person gets an order in at just the right moment, they can get their ammo ahead of previous orders. So they are stopping orders, period.

This from a Walmart employee here in Missouri. Walmart is still going to sell ammo, they are just waiting for the company order to arrive at the warehouse and then will allow the stores to re-order.


Staff In Memoriam
I also work for the place... I am in possession of the email from Arkansas... It is in my wallet and i promise to transpose the thing verbatim today...

Our ammo buyers are trying to make purchases above our ammo purchase we had planned before the hoarding took off...

It is simply that Walmart was caught with their pants down...

keep in mind... every seller, big and small, planned a certain amount of increase and with the shooting, the ammo flew off the shelves everywhere...

I am in line like everyone else for some ammo and it don't matter if it is walmart, basspro or LGS... I am literally a day late or a dollar shy...

I did see some Winchester Super X #6 birdshot for $14 per box... AT WALMART!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
