HKUSP Compact in .40 or .45?


New member
Love some opinions on this...

I bought an HKUSP45 as soon as they came out, WAY before any of the compacts came along. Now that I'm older (and married) I can't seem to find $600 to have a Compact TOO, so I'm going to sell the USP, and buy a compact. MY QUESTION:

Do I get a HKUSPCompact in .40 or .45? The .45 holds 8 rounds, is .80" shorter and 2 oz. lighter than the full size, and feels OK in the hand.
The .40 holds 10 rounds, is 1.20" shorter and 3 1/2 oz lighter than the full size, and feels GREAT in the hand.

It's just my house gun, and I LOVE the extra size the .45 has to offer, but the .40 has a little better feel in the hand.

any thoughts?


New member
Actually, I'm looking at a compact USP, as well. I finally went with the 9mm (I got 3 mags, no gun yet). While I agree with you about the 9/40 feeling better because of the size, you can't get hi-caps for the .40 unless you're a LEO. 9mm 13 round hi-caps are still available, although not cheap.


New member
Valid point Branrot, but every time I put a 9mm round next to a .40, it reminds me of why I CAN'T ever own one. Of course, the .40 does ALMOST the same thing next to a .45, so I don't really have a point, it's just a personal thing.

Thanks for the input though...
Any other takers?


New member
A friend of mine just went through the same thing,deciding between the .40 and .45. He went with a .40 USPc with stainless slide and he`s been tickled with it. It conceals well and shoots great by all accounts. I haven`t gotten a chance to shoot it yet but I`m looking forward to it. :D Marcus


New member
My recommendation would be to shoot both the USP40c and 45c prior to purchase. The reason is the feel of the recoil. I have the USP45F and love the feel of the recoil. To me it seems much smoother than that of the 40. The .40's recoil "snap's" a lot harder than a .45 does. Just make sure that you like the feel of the recoil as well as the fit in your hand. Although if pressed, I would say that the grip to hand fit is more important than the recoil aspect.



40 and 9 both have a sharper recoil and the 45 is more of a push.I like my bullets preexpanded so I would go with the 45.My opinion of course.The 40 will do the job.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.


New member
Ok guys... thanks for the help. Looks like it's off to the range to rent a couple of HK's! Gee, I just HATE having to go to the range and shoot! :D

I guess this means, whichever gun I think feels better to shoot, I can be assured that either will do the intended job adequately, provided I do my part.


New member
I own a .45, and I've shot both. I like my .45 better than .40. I'm more accurate, and the .40 has more snap to it.