HK's XM8 is taking over the M4!!

Any .45

New member
Okay, has anyone tried this gun or even heard of the features this gun has if so please enlighten us. This gun looks a bit crazy, and i hear it comes in diffrent variations. I would love to test one these, not because it's the gun of our armies future but because of the futuristic looks. I wonder how much it wieghd, muzzle velocity, shot group, etc.


New member
The XM8 is a glimpse of tomorrow. It has been discussed at great length in several places. Important advances in battle rifle design are represented in this design. It features, among other things, a significantly better (than M16) gas operating system, improved reliability, and very flexible configurability. The wheels of change grind slowly.

"Extra! Extra! Read All About It":

Maryland AR15 Shooters Site
The Platoon
Florida Shooters Network
Free Republic
National Defense Magazine
SWAT Magazine (Is the XM8 here? If not, there is still much to learn from this fine source. Subscribe Now! :) )

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I'd prefer if all our troops all had good body armor and tracked armor. Spending this many tax dollars on another .223 caliber rifle, IMO, is plain stupid.



New member

You are not alone, but the group is very small! You know how Government programs go! :) Besides, these choices are usually not 'either or' in character. The American approach is to do it all. Vote Republican to foster a strong military.


Important advances in battle rifle design are represented in this design.

The XM8 and G36 are composed of a 30 year old AR-18 gas system housed in alot of plastic. This includes the barrel, which is metal but attached directly to the plastic receiver without a heat sink.

For .223 type rifles, the forward ejecting FN2000 or the 5.45 Gas/recoil Nikanov burst firing mechanism seem much more forward thinking than just making an old system work with cheaper materials.


New member
I've heard they actually want it to be 6.8 when they get it. Good luck on that.

Is this just the Army, or are the Marines and Navy and Air Force in on it?


I don't think the Navy and Air Force get, or would want, a vote on a new service rifle. And I think the increased caliber has some pretty strong proponents at least in the Marines.

There's been a series of articles in the Gazette by Marine Gunners promoting the medium caliber as a way to provide a common round for carbines, a new true Automatic Rifle (not the SAW) and a medium/GP machine gun, heck even for snipers/des. marksman and eliminate the need for the .223 and .30.

The debate has been platform. I'd love to be a fly on the wall of their conventions.


New member
I was at Ft.Benning last week and found that the small arms people are still working to increase the lethality of the 5.56. An 83gr bullet that will penetrate Chinese or other body armor and still tumble in flesh. Happy trails.

Hard Ball

New member
The Army wants the M8 in 6.8X43mm(.276) but will probably make a decsion and issue a contract before the 2004 election, If the initial procurement is for .223 rifles the first issue to troops would be made in mid 2005.
H&K have already made and tested XM8s in 6.8mm and follow on procurements would be in that caliber.