HKs & Primer Residue

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New member
My new USP9 stopped firing after 500 rounds (Winchester USA ammunition). HK said the problem was caused by primer residue on the firing pin and in the firing pin channel.

Has this happened to anyone else? How do I clean this area? I don't want to have to return the pistol to HK every 500 rounds.


New member
The quick fix for this problem is sell the USP and buy a Sig. ;) The other way might be to try some GunScrubber on the breech face, then try different ammo.

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.



New member
You might not wanna hear this again :), but I doubt you could get that much gunk from 500 rounds of ammo. Possible, not probable?

HK has messed up like this before. The first shipment of pistols to the Santa Barbara County Sheriffs (CA) were all jamamatics cuzz HK left a lot of gunk in the firing pin channels. Cleaned em up, everything was OK.

SIGs are great!I've had em before; as long as they last, which is a helluva lot less than my USPs! :)



New member
There was a post on the HK-L Digest about another USP owner who had the same problem after firing 500 rounds of Winchester USA ammunition. I fired another 100 rounds yesterday and noticed red residue around the firing pin hole. I sent an email to Winchester about it. At the same time, I have fired at least 500 rounds of the same ammunition through my Walther P99 without a problem.


New member
Uh, did these primers happen to be nickle plated?

I remember reports of IPSC shooters using .38 Stupid, oops Super having the nickle plating on pistol primers flake off from high-pressure loads...when they weren't fighting the primer cups actually flowing back around the firing pin and into the hole and totally locking up the action...

Supposedly, going with small rifle primers minimized the problem...

Like some of us posting above, I'm quite skeptical about only 500 rounds depositing that much primer residue of the lead styphanate, ground glass and other trace ingredients used to make 'em go POP.

Oh, the RED STUFF--that's the laquer used to make the ammo waterproof. I guess if they goop too much on, it certainly would accumulate. You may want to give the box of ammo a swipe or two across the case heads with a cotton ball dunked in carb cleaner or acetone.

Just don't smoke while doing this (gotta always re-state the obvious :).

[This message has been edited by Cheapo (edited August 04, 1999).]

James K

Member In Memoriam
Note on cleaning heads of live ammo with any penetrant. If the primers are not sealed or if the penetrant dissolves the sealant, the primers could be affected and not fire.



New member
The WIN ammo does leave some red stuff on the breech face, but I've never had a problem with it it any gun (HK, BHP, Beretta, SIG, Glock).

I saw the post on HK-L, and the description was like rivers of red gunk running out the firing pin channel. Way too much from just 500 rounds of ammo?

If it is from the ammo, just clean the gun more oftem when you use it and/or wipe the breech face with a brush after every mag or two or so?



New member
Just thought I would ring in about the residue from the Winchester USA ammo. I have gotten it also, on my Sigs and my H and Ks. When I first saw it I thought it was rust on the breech face! I did a quick clean up and determined it was some sort of paint. It is pretty thick on my breech face after 100 rounds. Comes right off with M-Pro 7 cleaner. I clean my guns after each range session, and don't shoot more than a 150 rounds a session, so I don't have experience with the amount of buildup in 500 rounds.
My .02
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