HKP2000 jam


New member
While qual'ing, I had my first failure to fire while using an HK pistol, my current issue P2000. (I've also carried a USPC and P2000sk.) It was sort of an odd jam. An unfired round was kicked up vertically and was sticking up ala stovepipe out of the ejection port. Tap-rack (I rolled it out to allow gravity to clear the round)- squeeze and I was back in business. I fired a few more magazines without another similar problem. (Used the same mag several times to try to determine if that was the problem.) Mags and weapon were clean off course prior to starting the qual. At that point, I probably had fired probably 70 rounds or so.

Has anyone seen this? Ideas?


New member
Federal. But understand, it did not misfire. When I squeezed the trigger, a round fired and ejected, then I noticed this unfired round upright caught in the ejection port. I'm assuming it was the next round that was supposed to feed into the chamber that somehow got miscombobulated. When I did the tap- rack (and roll)- squeeze, obviously, only one round fell out. I didn't have a double feed. I just can't logically think of a way it could happen.


New member
I've had a 1911 magazine pop a round up like you're talking. It was a new magazine, so perhaps the brand new spring had something to do with it.


New member
Were your rounds correctly loaded backwards into the magazine, per HK's brochure?:D



New member
I think that things like that will just happen. Very rarely....

There are a lot of things happening in that split second, and to think that any particular gun will never have an experience like that, is not realistic. Will it ever happen again? Probably not, but maybe. I had something like that happen with my 1911 once. It's a gun that has proven to be 100%, and I trust my life with it. I still trust the gun. I haven't gotten that gun, with that magazine, to do anything close to doing what it did that one time.



New member
It's a bit unnerving, because this is my duty weapon. I'm not an HK fan, mostly because of the price, but I've never had one fail to fire. I think I'm just going to keep that mag out of the rotation until I figure it out. My current firearms guy isn't that experienced, so I'll try to get with another.

Just hoping to come up with some reason that I can correct. That always feels better than just writing it off to "sometimes that happens".

I'm sure I've put close to 5k through different HKs -- and I've seen others fire many K more-- without a hiccup, so it's not like I'm worried.