

New member
So, I think I'm going to get an HK45. I have one on hold at Cabelas right now and it's the only one I could find in town. Tax return should arrive tomorrow to fund it. It's priced at $1049.99 before tax.

The pistol will be an IWB carry (I've carried full sized pistols for about 2 years now so I know what I'm getting into).

The one downside is this: There's a mark on the slide finish on the top of the slide not far from the roll pin. It's a round spot that appears gray rather than black like the rest of the coating. Sort of like a scratch but it looks more like something was on the pistol while it was finished and came off resulting in an unfinished spot.

Now, considering that this will be a carry pistol and get it's fair share of marks anyway - Should I even care? There's something nice about getting a pistol out of the box nice and perfect but I don't know that it really matters. Pistol is perfect otherwise. It won't be any showpiece for sure. But I still have to pay the brand new price for a pistol that isn't perfectly finished out of the box.

Just looking for opinions.

EDIT: Whoops! Please move this thread, mods. The moving around of the forums through the forum directory threw me through a loop. :/
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New member
I thought I was going crazy with the forum changing. I'm glad to know someone else noticed it too.

As for the gun, I wouldn't worry about the scratch too much. That being said, I'm not sure that I'd be willing to pay that price for a gun that already has "damage". If it is the only one you can find, and you need it right now, go for it. If not though, I'd wait or see if a place online has them.

Hiker 1

New member
When I buy new guns and pay full price, they have to be pretty minty.

I wouldn't buy a new car with a big scratch on it either w/o negotiating a few bucks off.


New member
You can pretty much find them new online for that price with no scratches. HK slides are carbon steel so a Birchwood Casey blueing pen will help cover it, but I would want some off the price.

Uncle Malice

New member
Yes, you should definitely get one.

No, you should not pay full price for a less than perfect gun. If you can get a discount, go that route.


New member
I was told they couldn't do anything about the price so I think I'll call and tell them to stop holding it.

I will either get a new SIG or an HK sometime this evening.


New member
^^^ If you're considering a Sig, check out their website. They're running a BOGO promotion until April. Buy one of their six selected 1911 models and get a free 1911-22.


New member
Every time I've bought a gun at Cabelas they've always gone in the back and got a new one. Are you sure the one on display is the one you'd be getting?


New member
All done. I called Cabela's and told them to stop holding the HK45. I found a P30 V3 in 9mm (the variant I wanted, I tried the V1 LEM and I didn't care for the setup) at $949.99 at Scottsdale Gun Club with no marks on it and made the purchase. Still got an HK, but in 9mm and it fits my hand a little better. :D

Uncle Malice

New member
My most favorite HK! Congrats! I was there shooting my P30L today around noon. :)

Do the spring change and it'll be even better!

My favorite panel configuration is large sides with medium back. I had a tendency to want to try smalls at first just to keep it slim, but the large sides really feel great in the hand.


New member
I'm going to suck it up and try to learn the stock trigger. Maybe it'll break in a bit nicer or I'll just get used to it. I like to keep things stock when I can. If it bothers me, I'll look into the springs. Are the springs you changed HK official parts or aftermarket?

Uncle Malice

New member
The nickel plated sear spring and firing pin block are both factory HK parts. The hammer spring is a 10lb spring from Wolff - the stock spring is 12lbs.

The trigger definitely does break in better. Drop a snap cap in and spend the weekend dry firing that trigger. You'll develop the muscle memory, build strength in the finger, and also smooth it out.


New member
I always carry a DA/SA and train with it. The DA pull on this actually feels easier than my P226s, and the 226 has had plenty of break in time. The SA is much longer than the P226s, though. But it's not uncomfortable, gritty, or anything like that. It's very smooth, just long.


New member
I had an HK 45 Compact and loved it's accuracy and reliability but never could get use to the trigger...sold it. I guess the 1911 spoiled me.


Uncle Malice

New member
I had an HK 45 Compact

That's a USP 45 Compact.

I have an HK 45 Compact. :)



New member
I enjoyed the spoiling of 1911 triggers for a couple of years. Had an old rollmark M1991A1 for a while, a SA Champion Operator, and a SA Mil-Spec that I had some work done to. All were very fine shooters, but while the trigger was great I got tired of the maintenance compared to my Glocks. I haven't had one for a while and have had no issues with other triggers. Everybody's different with triggers, though. I want a good trigger, doesn't need to be the trigger of the gods though.

I don't own any 1911s or Glocks anymore, actually. I just found myself really liking DA/SA automatics. I don't mind the trigger transition and I love the aesthetics and the variety of types. Beretta, SIG, CZ, HK... I like them all.


New member
I got spoiled to the 1911 when I was in service many moons ago I had to carry one and got use to the fine trigger and everything else over the years just didn't measure up. I once tried a Sig P220 and while as good as the HK, IMHO, still didn't like that trigger. I guess it's what you get use to.