HK45 w/ SureFire X300


New member
I picked up a used X300 this week for $100 shipped to my door. I am really happy with it. It slides onto the rail and clips into place, then removing it is as simple as pinching a lever and sliding it off. Miles above the inexpensive S&W light that I had previously, which was a lot harder to take on and off.

The light is extremely impressive. In complete darkness I can light up the longest hall in my house as if it was daytime. That hall is probably 50 yards from end to end. The instant-on and toggle switches are both intuitive and I have no complaints.

Just thought I'd share a picture and my thoughts. I am convinced this is the ultimate setup for nightstand use, assuming one chooses a handgun.



New member
For $100? Sure. For the standard retail of $199? Not when I can get a TLR-1s for half that price.

It does look great on the HK45 though :).


New member
For $100? Sure. For the standard retail of $199? Not when I can get a TLR-1s for half that price.

That was my thought too. I have been putting off buying a decent light for that reason. When I saw the X300 on my local forum, I jumped at it!


New member
That was my thought too. I have been putting off buying a decent light for that reason. When I saw the X300 on my local forum, I jumped at it!

Yea dude I don't blame you.

One thing I always smiled about the X300 was the 22 m water resistance. I am not nearly BA enough to need that :p.

But in seriousness the ease with which it comes on and off is a big plus. At least the HK45 fullsize fits a regular sized light well. The HK45c doesn't :(.