HK USP45c vs. HK45c


New member
Couldn't find anything substantial in a preliminary search, so I figured I'd ask the question...

Who's got experience with both of these pistols? Looking for general opinions, pros and cons, differences, etc.

(and please, no recommending other brands or guns...I'm only interested in hearing only about these two. Thanks! :D )

Thanks all,


New member
I don't have any experience with the HK45c. I do have an HK USPc 45.

Advantages: reliable. Accurate. Sights are good. Lots of options for carry -- cocked and safety on, decocked and safety on, decocked and safety off. Ambi mag release. Slide stop is in the right place and generously sized.

Disadvantages: slide is overly large for the size of the gun (compare it in thickness and height to a 1911 slide). SA trigger is at best OK. DA trigger is horrendous -- too heavy, lots of stacking, ugh. Mag release is awkwardly placed for me, and too stiff. Has a fair bit of muzzle rise.

The USPc 45 just doesn't quite work for me. YMMV.


New member
The biggest difference is in the ergonomics (nod to HK45c), new recoil buffer (HK45c superior), and better trigger (again, nod to HK45c).

NBoth are great guns, but the HK45 series is meant to be next generation (an upgrade) from the USP series... so I often wonder why folks ask for the comparisons. While the USP is a great gun, the new generation HK45 series is just that much better.


New member
I handled both today and the thing that struck me most was the hammer on the HK45c. The USPc 45 variant the store stocked had a bobbed hammer and lower profile - much better for CCW. The HK45c's hammer stuck out like a sore thumb, especially when cocked and locked. Don't know why HK decided to offer such a different hammer design on the HK45c - especially when it seems to hurt concealment, something the gun was designed for.

Maybe I'm too much of a newb with HKs, but I couldn't tell too big of a difference on the triggers. Both DA pulls were long and kinda mushy. The SA pulls I could get used to, though.

All that said, they are still both nice weapons, though. I'd love to find out how they both shoot at some point.

...but they cost something like $300 more!

The difference between the two at the store I went to was $100. However, I have a feeling the USP was priced too high to begin with.


New member
The HK45c's hammer stuck out like a sore thumb, especially when cocked and locked.
I doubt it protrudes more than a 1911 hammer and grip safety. That would be a non-issue to me. YMMV.