HK SL8? Why, or why not??


New member
A long time ago, I had the option of getting an HK SL8. I had some hopes and dreams of making this the "ultimate all-around do it all rifle." I saw this pic, and it inspired me. I had visions of a counter-sniper, MBR, that could also be a fine target and plinking rifle. Even a hunting rifle if you believe whatr you read on the internet.

Thing is, these are expensive. And to get the rifle in the configuration in the picture is pushing 3 grand. That is a lot of lettuce for any rifle. I opted instead to get four rifles instead of the one for slightly more money. You know how it is, the grass is always greener, etc., but now I am questioning my earlier decision. I mean, you can only carry one at a time, and if you have one that does it all, aren't you better off? Thing is, the SL8 in any configuration has not been battle tested, and seems like it may be unwieldy, esp. outfitted as in the picture. We are pushing ten pounds easy, and I don't know about the balance, or how fragile it would be.

Also, if you check the pic, you can see that cheek weld would definitely be problematic with the carry handle scope, seemingly even with multiple cheek rests added.

Finally, there is the issue of parts availability. If something should break on me in the field, I wouldn't have a ready replacement, and even if the situation were not critical, how likely is it that HK will help me out on parts or service for a discontinued civvy rifle?

So these are my thoughts. I am very interested to hear yours. I am wondering if I shouldn't give this rifle some serious thought, or if I am just second-guessing myself. What would you guys do?
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The Body Bagger

New member
While they certainly are neat and capable rifles albeit a little ugly to some, you summarized what the problem is in your opening paragraph. They are expensive. Mods are limited, mags are expensive, and they start off looking like something out of star ship troopers. An AR can serve you in the capacity that you are looking for within reasonable costs. Now if HK actually sold a civvie G36 I'd be the first in line to get one.....but to convert an SL8 over too much and no benefit other than the kid on the block with a different toy than the rest....

Southern Cross

New member
I say go for it! I am starting a similar project...I am turning one into that looks like one anyway! There are so many options with this rifle as far as conversions go...that was the appeal to me. Also, from what I am finding, once you get over the initial expense of the rifle, the mods are not terrible expensive compared to others. It just takes a little time to search for them.

Death from Afar

New member
I had one for a few years. They are good, but not great. Far, far, far too heavy for field use, but very good shooters- comfortably better than any Ar15 that has been modified. I honestly think you would be better off served with a G3 if you want german quality.


New member
If you got the cash go for it but if you are haveing second thoughts just wait a little while and get a FN FS2000 whenever it is that they come out. That may not be the answer you were looking for but the FN is a much better and innovative rifle. Plus it will not be a custom conversion job that you will not be able to get much in the way of parts and service. If you are not already familiar with them you should check them out and you would save some cash and have a better all around and reliable rifle.


New member
Thanks for the responses. Always nice to get a fresh opinion. I have an AR 15 and a G3 already. I like them both. The money is not a prohibitive issue, it is more like one issue of many surrounding this idea/project. Like I said, I decided to get a lot more firearms (shotgun/AR/hunting rifle) for actually less money, slightly more after ammo, etc. but now the bug is biting me again. I will say this much: if I went for it and it turned out to be just a big expensive weird-looking heavy ****, I would be a little disappointed. It would have to be capable of performing at least a couple of tasks well beyond static tack driver.

Well, at least I didn't embarrass myself by saying I got the idea from counter-strike. :eek: KRIEG !!


"ultimate all-around do it all rifle."
hush yo mouth.
there will never be such a thing.

Death from Afar

New member
Well, they are reliable, and ergomoniclly correct. They are VERY accurate for a semi auto as well. BUT They are far too heavy for serious field use, my old Issue SLR L1A1 seems lighter...


New member
I almost bought one of these for $900 when they first came on sale. But opted for an AR15 instead. I do not doubt that the HK is a fine weapon, I have a G3 clone and am impressed with it: But in the end, its a $$ issue.

Are 4 rifles going to be used more or will they give you more enjoyment than 1? I think certainly in versatility the 4 will be better.

Quantity vs. Quality. For each one of us the answer will be different. And I should have bought that SL8 when I had the chance.

Death from Afar

New member
Absolutly. Dont get me wrong, they are an excellent rifle. They shoot very well, and I think with the bare minimum of work- bit of graphite on the trigger, nice optics etc, would be a great varmint gun.


These rifles are rather large, low capacity and expensive. Plastic should make a guns light and cheap - in this case it just makes the gun fragile, as all the receiver cracks have shown.

Want a "do everything" rifle? Find a .223 SL6 or .308 SL7. Those were beautifully engineered. I'd give up my HK91 to keep the SL7.

Southern Cross

New member
Alright...I know you guys are probably going to unleash on me but I have to know. I'm new to the rifle game and I have seen it said many times that a bolt rifle is more accurate than a semi. I was just wondering whay that is?


New member
Stiffer action, less moving parts (means less variables to change). Don't miss understand that statement as bolts will always be better than semis, its just a lot easier to make a bolt-action gun accurate compared to a semi.

Another thread to read . Enjoy.



New member
Thanks for all the input, guys. Handy makes a valid point regarding size and reliability (ruggedness?) that was a concern of mine as well. If it were a counter-strike like environment, where you could just deploy, do a little shooting and them have an AAR, it would be different, but for long-term use in the field, it does concern me. It would be a lot of money for a rifle that is pretty much going to be a range/safe queen from the looks of things. Perhaps more of a luxury than anything else. So...if I hit the lotto, maybe I get one, just to satisfy my wonderlust.

Oh btw, the sl7 reminds me of my slb2000 quite a bit. I like it very much. :D Maybe I could look into some customizing in that area. Food for thought.
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Southern Cross

New member
In my search for parts and pricing for my SL8 project I came accross something that may change your mind and stimulate your lust for this rifle...depending on your taste in guns (Judging from your interest in the SL8 I think you'll agree). Do a search for the SL8-4 version. I posted something about this in my project thread you may have already seen so forgive me if you've read it. I think this was Europe's version but you can easily make one for a little extra cash. I keep finding it on New Zealand sites. It looks very similar to HK's new SL9 Whisper Sniper rifle. I am in love with this thing! I hope to get my hands on one. I hope it will save me the time and money of dying my SL8, getting the G36 forearm, short rail and bipod. Let me know what you think. Dear god just look at her!
