HK P30 Problems


New member
A friend just bought a HK P30 (a 9mm Semi auto)

I do believe he got a lemon. Using Remington 9mm Ammo the gun had FTF and FTE problems mag after mag. So used some of my American Eagle 9mm and the same problems.
Then we used the other mag in the kit and we got the same results- All Bad !

Tried both types of ammo in my Sig P226 and no problems whatsoever.

What should he expect of the dealer to remedy this situation ??
New Mags ??
New Gun ??


New member
Is this a new gun?

If so HK springs their guns very aggressively for both use of hot defensive ammo/NATO spec stuff as well as for durability.

Run 50 to 100 rounds of hot ammo through it, at least 124 grain in weight. Also do some dry firing to work the slide/recoil spring. Maybe leave it locked back for a couple days. I would imagine your issues will go away. Some of these do seem to need a break in period before using anemic ammo.

Remington green box and fed American eagle are both likely 115 grain and they are definitely not hot. So both light and anemic are conspiring against a beast of a recoil spring.

Dealer will be case by case but most likely will do nothing other then help you mail to HK for them to evaluate.


New member
Did he buy it brand new?

Did he break it down and clean it including removing any factory preservative and then lube it well before going to the range? I lube the entire slide rail on each side where it rides on frame steel inserts and the barrel exterior and any other designated lube points in the manual.


New member
What should he expect of the dealer to remedy this situation ??


Dealers do not usually handle warranty items for guns. He needs to document the problems very clearly and then contact HK.

Exact type of ammunition used: manufacturer, bullet weight, bullet design. How many rounds between problems. Only with fully loaded, partially loaded, or nearly empty magazines, - or, doesn't matter happens all the time, etc.

Has he cleaned the gun prior to using it the first time and then lubricated it?

If not, he may want to do that first before deciding it's not working correctly.

Since it is a new pistol, I would load both magazines and let them sit overnight to compress the springs slightly. I would also only use 124 grain, full metal jacket ammunition to start.

Many 9mm semi-autos need a bit of extra power to make them work when new.

If it's been cleaned, lubed, the magazine springs compressed, and he's using 124 grain FMJ and it still doesn't work - then he needs to contact HK with all of the information. They will tell him how they want to handle the warranty service on the pistol.


New member
Ohh yeah. Forgot that too. Make sure it was cleaned well out of the box. Run a little oil on the loading rail too.


New member
Ohh yeah. Forgot that too. Make sure it was cleaned well out of the box. Run a little oil on the loading rail too.

It is easy to assume that everyone takes the time to do that but apparently many do not nor do they read the operator manual.

I went to the range with a friend a few years ago who has a new Beretta 92F that was a jamomatic. I looked at it and it was bone dry. I put a couple drops of oil in each slide rail and on barrel exterior and then worked the slide a dozen times. It worked like a champ after that.


New member
C7AR15: said:
I do believe he got a lemon. Using Remington 9mm Ammo the gun had FTF and FTE problems mag after mag. So used some of my American Eagle 9mm and the same problems.
Then we used the other mag in the kit and we got the same results- All Bad !

I also have a P30 and these guns just don't fail like this, they are extremely reliable particularly with that ammo, I've used the same ammo in my gun many times with no problems.

You have a damaged gun, I wouldn't hesitate to call HK CS to arrange to have the gun returned for repair.


New member
Well there you go. It needs good clean and lube. HKs leave factory with preserving grease.

They often don't. In 12 of them so far all but one of them ran from the factory without issues. You can remove the preserving grease and you should, but it's not typically applied to such an extreme that it should cause stoppages to this extent. Of course maybe the OP's P30 got an extra dose of the preserving grease.

I've done this song and dance with one P30 in the past, as have a number of others on HKPRO. Essentially the pistols are sprung overly stiff from the factory. "It's to handle +P ammunition." No it isn't, my guess is batches of recoil springs slightly too stiff. The P2000s and USPs I've owned have never had this issue, only that P30, and they had no issues with +P ammo. HK's response? "You're limp wristing." Priceless. I guess for some reason I didn't limpwrist all the other HKs I owned because...reasons? The second P30 I had ran great out of the box. It's been a sporadic issue for them. Try hotter ammo and see what happens. Failing that call them and don't take no for an answer. FWIW I did managed to eventually wear out the recoil spring enough for it to stop having issues. Took 1400 rds or so.


New member
Mine has cycled ever thing I've tried in it right out of the box. It now shoots mostly my hand loads with out issues.

I would clean it, re-lube, and shoot a 100 stouter load. After that break it down to clean and re-lube and try those loads again. If they don't cycle the gun, then I would get a hold of HK.


New member
Did he break it down and clean it including removing any factory preservative and then lube it well before going to the range?

Other than running a couple patches down the bore I've never "broke down and cleaned" any new pistol I've ever bought. :confused: Every single one of them worked 100% right out of the box. If they didn't there is something very wrong with them.


New member
Wow I have owned a lot of pistols and rifles and I have seen some come out of the box with enough packing preservative to really gum up the extractor or be so bone dry that I am surprised the metal on metal didn't spark. I always do a field strip and good cleaning before the first range trip.


New member
Rinspeeds ? is the first I would ask. If the owner did clean and relube it then:follow cslingers suggestion; If the issue still exists>>>

send it back to H+K for a tune up

the p30 is one of my favorite guns to shoot. I have had several with ZERO issues. Call them( do not email them ) and have them set up a return and warranty repair

good luck


New member
Rinspeed: said:
Other than running a couple patches down the bore I've never "broke down and cleaned" any new pistol I've ever bought. Every single one of them worked 100% right out of the box. If they didn't there is something very wrong with them.

When I first got my P30 I pulled it straight out of the box at the range & put 200 rounds through it. I have about 5K rounds through it since I got it a year & a half ago. This is a $900-plus pistol that is well built & engineered and I have a high expectation that the gun runs 100% without always being perfectly cleaned & oiled. Since this is my carry gun, I've had it armored four times by 2 different gunsmiths and the gun shows no wear from the way I've been using it.


New member
Originally Posted by cslinger:
Wow I have owned a lot of pistols and rifles and I have seen some come out of the box with enough packing preservative to really gum up the extractor or be so bone dry that I am surprised the metal on metal didn't spark. I always do a field strip and good cleaning before the first range trip.

Same here. Firearms are tools and as such I maintain them and to me it just makes sense to clean and lube before first use which takes very little time and resources and also gives one the opportunity for a visual check and experience field strip procedure. Others can do what they want with their tools. In any case when one is experiencing problems with a brand new auto loading pistol the very first thing to do is to make sure it has been properly cleaned and lubed. If OP calls HK most likely they will ask him if he has done such.
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New member

Friend took his HK back to GS.

They told him to clean it !!

Looks like we have 3 camps here -

A. Clean the packing grease off and the gun will be fine.

B. The gun should have worked right out of the box, something is wrong with it.

C. Use HOT ammo to loosen up that heavy Euro spring.

He is going to clean it, What do you think is going to happen ??? A B C


New member
Maybe he should let someone else shoot it. Most likely needs to choke up his grip and lock his wrists.

Tell him to give the thumbs forward grip a try:



New member
Clean it well, make sure the extracter moves freely. Buy some cheap but heavier weight ammo 124/147 grain and I think it will be alright.

If not back to the mothership with it.

I doubt it's a grip issue with a fairly large, fairly heavy P30 but doesn't hurt to rule it out. I have shot Glocks / all guns really for a long time and came across a Glock30s that channeled the recoil just right back into my wrist and would fatigue me causing me to cause issues. No problems with a regular 30 or even the 27 but that 30s was just dimensionally right to do the wrong thing to me so stuff happens.