
New member
The LEM is basically a smoother, softer DAO, from what I understand. I personally like the LEM pull (dry fired a few) if you don't want a DA/SA. I've never tried the DAO, but I'm pretty sure it's not as nice of a pull (which is why they made the LEM).


New member
The LEM that I have tried I didn't like so much. I'm sure they vary to a degree per gun though and of course, opinions on what is good and bad vary as well. You might love it.

I for one am not a real big fan of the DAO pull except for the XD triggers which I have found to be outstanding. For defense and not target, say for CCW ... the DAO has a distinct place and advantage.

What are you planning on using the gun for?


New member
+1 on the XD trigger. Also, for DAO, the Sig DAK trigger is really smoothe. I've only dry fired the DAK, but for DAO it's pretty sweet.


New member
Its funny, when you look at the pull weight of the XD trigger its usually higher than that of most others. Yet when you actually fire it its not much worse than a single action stroke. I mean its no tuned 1911 but its a real nice trigger. A lot nicer than the pull weight indicates.


New member
I would take LEM over DAO for the simple reason that the reset on the LEM is practically nothing. Once you get the feel it beats the long trigger travel of a DAO pistol hands down.

On the other hand if you're not used to the LEM/DAO feel it can take a long time to get used to. It took me a couple of months and several thousand rounds to get the LEM trigger figured out and on target. I was so used to SA condition 1 carry that I thought real hard about going back to V1.