Hk 45


New member
I was interested in that pistol for a long time and it will be available soon (May) in Germany. But I just saw an advertisement in a magazine and it will cost 1200 €:eek: What makes that gun so expensive? A USP costs about 700 € (which is a reasonable price IMO) and the new, similar P30 costs approximately 800 € (I'll probably buy that one since I prefer 9mm anyway). I'm just curious about your opinion. Do you think that the price is justified and you will buy one or is it overpriced and you'll stick to your USP or something different?

edit: great, of course that should be a capitalized "K" not "k".


New member
I don't want it to be all about the HK name and the novelty, but I'm not aware of anything on the HK 45 that justifies that kind of price (though I admit I may be unaware of some feature(s) on the pistol that do justify that price).


New member
I'll probably pick up a P30, but for 45's I'll be sticking with my USP's. I don't see any advantage to the HK45, other than the grip, for those that have trouble with the USP grip. Regards 18DAI.


New member
The only things that the HK45 has over the USP (that I'm aware of) is the the HK45 has an ambi slide release (which is nest to useless if you release the slide manually without using the lever) and a standard rail instead of the rail you see on the USP. The grip is slimmer because of the single stack design, but you also lose two rounds for it. The only thing I haven't heard anything on is whether the trigger will be any different than the standard USP trigger. My guess is that it won't be, but it's possible they could use either the "match trigger upgrade" or something altogether different. So far, I think if you can shoot the USP comfortably, I swear it looks like it would be the better pistol. Just my observations, feel free to disagree.



New member
From what I've read, next fall is a more realistic time frame for delivery to your loacl FFL.

I'm going to wait and see if there are any teething problems or other issues before I spend the big bucks.

My USP .45 is the best pistol I've ever owned, and I've owned many, many pistols over the years. I can't imagine the HK 45 is going to be a big improvement for me.


New member
Woe Be Unto You, H&K USA

Only partially in jest; emphasis on partially: For $1,200 it had better have a grip safety beaver tail and single action... which is the reason my USP45 Tactical is for sale.

ON the UP NOTE: I love things HK. Cool reputation for reliability and durability. Cool logo, etc. Their pistols have not been what I've expected them to be recently. Perhaps the 1911 has spoiled me - and I don't discount this. The P7 seems to be the only HK for me, sadly...:(