Hitting the bricks


New member
I was just watching a movie and something occured to me. If for some reason you had to bug out, leave your house and possessions behind for whatever reason, what would you take. Are you prepared ? Have you given any thought as to where you would go ? Let's be realistic about this. There is only so much stuff you can take; for example you would probably have to choose one or two guns, what about the ammo for them, do you have it, is it loaded etc. The movie I am watching is The Stand, of course most everyone dies, but if you knew in time, you would attempt to get away from society to escape "The Super Flu". I am sure people in hurricane and tornado areas might have actually done something like this. Take the senario and run with it.


We have a survival pack that we keep in our vehicles. Up here in alaska you never know when you might be caught in a blizzard, or a snowbank and have to walk out. Exspecially since we're always out hunting and fishing in the boonies.

It has a couple space blankets, signal mirror, matches, candles, needle and thread, aspirin, a sleeping bag, and wool blanket, power bars, a few MRE's, Iodine...hmm, I dunno what else.

(are we talking if the law was after us, or we're just leaving?? I'll pretend the law was after me.)

I'd take survival gear, matches, lighters, a brick of .22 bullets, my Ruger MKII pistol, thread and needle. As much money (up to $1k) that I could russle up.) Energy foods, candy bars. Spaceblanket, and sleping bag if possible. (are we talking in a vehicle, or just cross country??)

If walking I'd try to get out of alaska, too few people, to easy to find. I'd head towards canada, and then the lower 48. I'd stay within sight of the road in the trees, and try and keep a low profile while in towns getting grub (if I couldn't shoot enough.)

I'd work my way to the states, some small hick town in the south and get a small job till I could get enough money to flee to south america. Pananma, guatemala, somewhere warm, and quite, where my dollar would be worth the lives of about 20 locals (good exchange rate down there:)) Then I'd just lay it low.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
The Stand

Great book. Should that happen, I'm Driving a New Motorcycle EVERY DAY Baby!
That HK I wanted? MINE!
Oh Yeah!!!

Jorah Lavin

New member
I've got basic supplies in the car...

A result of living through a lifetime of New England winters out in the sticks... I've had to walk home 12 miles in a blizzard at night, and having a spare coat, flashlight, and matches in the car was very reasuring. After getting myself out of a ditch once with nothing more than a coil of rope, I tend to keep one around.

Back before Y2K there was a thread on in-car supplies, and people laughed at how much stuff I carted around with me, but nearly all of it has come in useful at times. Now I live in the south, the weather isn't so likely to kill you, it is harder to remember to stay prepared, and I have less stuff in the car... I am working on a "bugout bag" to grab if the house starts burning...

Space blanket, 3-day supply of prescription meds, first-aid kit, "rough" clothes, old boots, matches, lighter, parachute cord... all the sorts of things you'd want on hand if the SHTF and you had to spend a few nights out in the woods. I like BadMed's list... the .22 pistol might start living near the bugout bag!

This sort of preparation seems to be built in; when I was a little kid, I was the geek who took the "be prepared" instructions seriously. I remember lying awake when I was 11, thinking what I'd do to save the family if a fire started in the middle of the night!



New member
A while back, someone was giving me a lot of crap about my carryover of "country" habits to city life.

Then I had to use the chainsaw that was in the trunk to fix a tree that fell across the driveway...

Dave R

New member
LDS Church, in an add-on to their "years supply of food, clothing & fuel" recommendation, recommends their members keep a "72-hour kit". Everything you need to survive for 72 hours. Meals, sleeping bags/blankets, water/purifiers, utensils.

I keep mine in the 2 jumbo Rubbermaid tubs.

Fun thing is, this is just about exactly the supplies for a good campout! I'm going to have to test the kit with an "emergency campout" when the weather warms up....

I like BadMeds list. But I would reinforce WATER PURIFIER. You can't carry all the water you need, but should be able to find some to purify if you stay away from the desert. Oh yeah, good call on the medication, Mike. BadMeds idea of bringing cash is also good. Kepp some with the kit. And if you bring the dog, which I recommend, then ya gotta add dog food to the kit. Anybody make MRE's for dogs? That's a trick question. Most of them ARE dog food...And if its really bad, then the dog is food (only as a last resort).