"Hitchikers May Be Escaping Inmates" (amusing 10k image)


New member
My son got this in his email. It's probably been posted before, but thought it worthwhile to post just the same. :)


I think that's the prison in the background. How'd you like to be an escaped con looking at that sign!

Marko Kloos

New member
Looks like someone used that sign as a practice target for buckshot loads. Can't be one of the socialist states like CA or NJ, then.


New member
I don't know if that is the exact same sign, but a very similar one (including the bullet marks) is in New Mexico. I can't remember the city as pretty much the only thing is the prison in it but we passed it going north from Albuqurque to Cortez Colorado.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
To me, it looks just like that sign my wife and I saw about 4 years ago, down around Roswell, NM. But my wife says it's the one we saw outside of Barstow, Ca.

Both signs had similar buckshot blasts on them!


New member
I have a vivid memory from when I was a kid in gradeschool -- we were on a road trip and passed a sign like that in Oklahoma. There was a man literally beating his head against the sign. I'll never forget that.



I'd hate to see what they do to the signs outside the mental institutions.