Hit this poll


New member
lol 727 to 10

Sometimes when i see these poll's I wonder if Gun control is a lie... Look at the votes, if only it was ALWAYS Like that.


New member
Here are the current results which made me chuckle:

I have no problem with it (1583 responses)96.2%

I don't care, but how does her husband feel? (11 responses)0.7%

Why does she need guns? (33 responses)2.0%

It's insensitive to gun violence victims (18 responses)1.1%

The Great Mahoo

New member
Of course this poll is based on how we feel about her owning guns. She is a senator, afterall. Heaven forbid average citizens could own guns!

And based on this clip of the article:
....kept the ammunition separate from the empty guns, and then later called to add that the rifles were locked in a case while stored under the bed.
I'd say there is little cause for concern.


New member
But there wasn't an option that said "She should buy more guns." Also, could somebody get her a better home defense gun?


New member
Thank goodness "we" are crushing that poll. Talk about some biased options. Who cares about her husband? Why does she need a paved driveway instead of asphalt? Insensitive to gun violence victims?! Talk about sowing some lousy seeds.
"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-Mineola), a gun-control activist threatening a primary challenge to Gillibrand over her pro-gun stance, said Friday said she does not criticize legally owned guns. McCarthy added, "I hope the guns didn't have bullets in them."


There's a lying sack of politician...