Hit this poll "Should college students be allowed to carry guns on campus"


New member
The question is worded wrong. I think it should read "Should licensed permitted student be allowed to carry on campus?"

Anyway, lets hit it. Please type this into your browser. wusa9.com Add the "www." at the beginning of the address.
The poll is a short scroll down and on the left side.

Do not post a direct link to this poll!!! The web site will see where it's linked from and shut it down. Then our votes will be useless.

The Canuck

New member
Do you believe college students should be allowed to carry guns on campus?

Yes 1115 Votes
No 830 Votes

Total Votes Cast: 1945


New member
Currently at:

Yes 1208
No 926
Looks like the NOs are making a strong come-back in the last hour and a half.


New member
I think I hold the moderate view on this. On private property, the rules are set by the property's owner.

I think we are talking about the state govt decriminalizing it.

I agree that the property owner should still be allowed to ban guns; the students can choose to comply or ignore it - at the risk of being booted from the school - rather than serving a jail term.

Personally, I wouldn't dare go against the govt, but I would (discreetly) go against a school institution. Call me bad!