hit this CNN AWB poll


Uhg, what kind of nonsense is this?
The assailant used a 9mm semiautomatic handgun with an illegal 30-round clip, Wilcox said. "I don't believe assault weapons belong on our streets. If people want to play with such tools, they should join the military," said Wilcox, who came from Nevada County, California, with his wife, Amanda, for the second "Million Mom March."
Too bad for Wilcox, 30-round clips in general are not illegal.
The demonstration, attended by about 2,000 people, was much smaller than the original one, which took place on Mother's Day four years ago.

Several hundred gun rights supporters also held their own rally, organized by Second Amendment Sisters, at Freedom Plaza near the White House.

Speakers at the "Halt the Assault" rally reminded the crowd to "Remember November!" as they spoke mainly of a need to renew a ban on assault rifles that is to expire September 13.

"We are working very hard in Iraq to get AK-47s off the street, to get Uzis off the streets. The president says we're fighting the war on terror by doing that," said Rep. Chris van Hollen, D-Maryland. "What about the terror right here on our streets at home."

He also decried a provision in the law that critics contend allows owners of legal firearms to replace the housing for the firing mechanism and turn them into illegal assault weapons. He tied the loophole to October 2002 sniper attacks that killed 10 people in van Hollen's Maryland district, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

"We need to close that loophole, because real bullets that killed real people went through those loopholes," van Hollen said.
***? if the law ALLOWS something, the resulting gun cannot be an ILLEGAL assault weapon.

Typical head-up-ass reporting from the Communist news network.

Please let them know how biased they are at the following url:


I voted but what the hell is an "AWB"? If we willingly use THEIR WORDS, we've already lost before we've begun. It's an HDR ban or semi-auto ban. Schumer, Feinstein, and Tedaquiddick laugh their asses off every time WE willingly use THEIR choice of words for the law - don't play into their hands.


New member
Astounding ignorance on display from the antis!

Ms. Wilcox, would it be better if the murderer used a 10 round magazine as he committed his crimes among unarmed victims?

Ms. Carthy, your husband's killer used a pistol designed by fellow gun control advocate Bill "nohonestman" Ruger. Why not propose legislation to ban Ruger?

Mr. van Hollen, your East Coast eloi were killed with a single shot. Why on earth are you whining about "housing groups." :confused:


New member


Lifted 59% 221400 votes

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Total: 374028 votes

It's still frozen on 221,400 votes.. :barf: