History... the 21 gun salute...???


Staff In Memoriam
Well as the title implies... who has knowledge in the history of the 21 gun salute and variants thru history as a way to salute the fallen?


New member
Wifes Uncle passed this week, ret. Coast Guard his service was on the big lakes. He and all the others that served recieved a 21 gun salute. Grandpa (Bataan survivor) got it too. Told my nephew, he will recive this honor as well, he is just back from Iraq going to Hawaii.

I try to do more, thank each one for their service. Help the old timers when they need it.


Staff In Memoriam
Bud, I was really interested at the possible various insight or opinion of the vast TFL populace... Heck... I have seen a few dozen thoughts as to the history of the handshake yet I personally believe it is based on 2 leaders meeting on the battlefield and since most were righthanded, both were not so at risk of getting drawn on by the other... but they gotta remember... some of us are lefty!
Bud, with nuttin' better to do than surf bookmarks and google, I thought it a possible point of discussion as well as multiple routes of research...:eek::)

Uncle Buck

New member
Just typed this on another thread. Check out Army FM 3-12.5. Specifically Chapter 14. The actual 21 gun salute is covered in AR 600-25.

A 21 gun salute is much more different than a three shot volley. The three shot volley is what is used at military funerals. It can be seven guns firing three times or just one gun firing three time.
A 21 gun salute is reserved for visiting dignitaries and the president.