History of Gun Rights in New Hampshire?


New member
Hello all,

As many of you know, I was seized and detained by the Manchester, NH police department while lawfully carrying an unconcealed firearm.

Since we're getting ready to adopt a child, and will need to deal with state agencies which have broad discretion in the process, we decided for now to try a more conciliatory approach to the problem, in an effort to reform not only Manchester, but all police departments in the state.

I am working on preparing a a 30-45 minute training session in PowerPoint to offer to the statewide Police Standards & Training officials, laying out the boundaries of the law and court decisions with respect to open carry in the state. It would be presented to police cadets and active duty police officers.

One of the components of my course outline is a brief history of gun rights in New Hampshire, starting with the founding of the state, up through the 1982 enactment of Article 2-a, and present day.

Does anyone have any personal recollections, or references to historical documents or websites, which might help me fill in the details?

I have a copy of "Origin of the Second Amendment" which I'll be searching for references to New Hampshire luminaries, but anything else would be appreciated.

Thanks for any assistance you can offer!


New member
I love this state, I really do!

At last night's Gun Owners of New Hampshire board meeting, I posed the above question to the group, and the very person who submitted the first draft for a right-to-arms amendment to the New Hampshire Constitution in 1974 gave me his card.


New member
thats good news, i really hope all goes well... the right to bare arms does constitutionally make it legal to open carry most anywhere is how its been explained to me... however it may be bent and twisted any way "they" see fit like any other laws...

research all that you can...and when its all over move to vermont =) its just next door heh and they have no laws whatsoever on concealed carry... =) if you can legally own a firearm you can legally carry concealed or unconcealed =) sounds good to me hehe

i will see what i can find to assist you...


New member
and its also my understanding... tho dont quote me, that open carry is legal in like 44 of our states... so long as u follow the local laws on it, like the common stuff such as carrying on school premisis, airports, court house etc... u get the idea... other than that i believe it is legal to open carry anywhere you please in any state with the exception of a few...


New member
SB454 was defeated in the House, after a committe stacked with retired law enforcement recommended it not pass.

We're going to try again, how soon we do so depends on the mood of the state with our new Democrat governor.


New member
I'm not sure this will be much help.

But check out your state constitution - you've got a "Right of Revolution" written in there. (I just like to point that out to as many people as possible :))

Good luck, if it's not too late n' stuff.