History Channel - "The Magnums"


New member
Last night (8/21/02) while flipping channels I caught most of the program mentioned in the title, part of the "Modern Marvels" series on the History Channel.

Kudos to The History Channel for producing this type of program, but it seemed riddled with mistakes . . . I'm wondering if anybody else saw others.

1. While showing an S&W .44 Magnum, they said it got its name from the bore diameter of 0.44 inches. Problem is, the groove diameter of a .44 Magnum is 0.429 inches.

2. I believe John Milius misquoted Dirty Harry in the first movie - IIRC the famous line was "Do ya feel lucky, punk?" not "Are you lucky?" (BTW, his gun handling was atrocious - the muzzle pointed everywhere, including at the cameraman.)

3. They stated that the blackpowder Walker revolver shooting a .44 caliber ball had both more velocity and more energy than a modern 44 Magnum. No question this huge handgun was quite formidable, but can a reader of this forum confirm that Walker ballistics exceeded modern .44 Mag ballistics, and by how much?

4. When talking about the introduction of the .357 Magnum, they showed what looked to be an N-frame S&W with a straight barrel. (Unless the person holding it had small hands, it wasn't a K-frame.) The original "357" Magnum, later to become the Model 27, had a barrel that tapered just in front of the frame. While the voice-over said ".357" they actually showed a .44 or .41.

5. When talking about how big game hunters liked the new Magnum cartridges, they twice showed a picture of Sasha Siemel with a big jaguar he'd killed. Sasha Siemel was a Latvian noted for killing a great many jaguars with a SPEAR, which I believe was visible in the photo.

Still, I enjoyed the program. I noted that the apparent minimal recoil shown by the rifles used by the military target shooters shooting .300 Win Mag ammo with 220 grain bullets seemed modest, indicating a heavy rifle . . . and I also found Jan Libourel's voice to be very annoying, showing why he's a writer, not a radio announcer.
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New member
and lets not forget

the walker was the worlds most powerful handgun untill well into the 1980's! The walker Colt while powerful for its day was over showded by both the hot loaded 44 special in the 20's and the 357 magnum in the 30's AND even the properly loaded 38/44 load as well. a walker with a full load of powder and an 180 grain lead ball will produce aprox 1000 - 1100 fps not quite up to a 158 at 1500fps or a 170 at 1350fps. I missed the last half when is it on again?


Moderator Emeritus
It really annoyed me that the guy spouting the various inaccuracies about the Walker Colt was identified as an employee of the National Firearms Museum. Your average TFLer can apparently correct this guy and do we get to work at a "National Firearms Museum"? Nnoooo... we have to have crappy day jobs. Well, except for folks like WESHOOT2 and Terry Murbach and such... ;)


New member

The History Channel is great, but shouldn't be counted on for accuracy. You're correct about the misquote from the Dirty Harry movie and also about Liboural's voice. Did you notice that he didn't handle the recoil from the 454 Casull nearly as well as the much smaller James?