HiPoint 9mm carbine firing pin


New member
arived today free of charge, this is for a gun that I am at least the third owner, with a note. "your gun is under warranty for ever no matter who origionally owned it". Now I know it is a $150 9mm carbine and all that but they at least do not run you around as some of the $1000 gun companys do.
I called the co to thank them, and the lady that answered informed me that there R&D had a 40 cal carbine in testing that will be out soon with the same "Lifetime warranty"


New member
I had one a few years ago. I had no problems at all with the gun or the customer service. I put a scope on the one I had and the scope would fall off every blue moon this was cause by the scope mount being faulty.. They sent me another free of charge no questions asked. Hi-Point has the best CS out there. I no longer own the carbine but I like this little rifle.
Accurate too.


New member
Glad to hear others praising the Hi-Point carbine. I've got one and am pleased with it's accuracy and durabilty. I just wish it had a folding stock, and was easier to diassemble and reassemble.
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New member

We're possibly done with the Hi-Point bashing!... Yeah its not a $1500 super-duper rifle...but I love mine, no problems, and for $165 it probably one of the best values out there...And in this type of customer service, and you've diffinitely got a winner.


New member

Does anyone offer magazines for the 9mm carbine for less than $20? I know $20 bucks isn't a lot, but I'm cheap.

Tropical Z

New member
Hi-Point has the best customer service of any gun company i've contacted.I'll get a .40S&W carbine if it ever gets here!:confused: