Hillery and the pig


New member
Sen. Hillary Clinton was riding in her limousine to a political event down a country road in upstate New York. As her driver rounded a corner there was a pig in the road. The chauffeur swerved to avoid the animal but to no avail.
"YOU IDIOT," screamed Hillary. "Look what you have done. Now stop and walk up to that farmhouse so that you can apologize to those people."

Two hours later the driver exited the farmhouse with a cigar in one hand, a fine bottle of New York wine in the other, and his clothing in disarray.
"Where the hell have you been, " asked Hillary, "and what's with the cigar, wine, and rumpled clothes?"
"The farmer gave me the cigar, his wife gave me the bottle of wine, and their 19 year old daughter made passionate love to me," replied the chauffeur.
"Why?" inquired Hillary.
"I don't know," said the chauffeur, "all I did was tell them that I am Hillary Clinton's limo driver and that I just ran over the pig".