Hillary's Brother Needs a Gun


New member
Interesting, not because I think that the idiot here who beat up the other idiot should have been gunned down, but because of the irony:

Hillary's Brother: 'If I Only Had a Gun'

(CNSNews.com) - "I wish I had a gun when he broke into my house, because I would have killed him." That's what Tony Rodham, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's brother, told the New York Post about the recent break-in at his summer cottage in Pennsylvania. Press reports say Rodham was attacked by a man who caught Rodham with his girlfriend. Rodham told the New York Post he had the legal right to shoot the intruder, because the guy broke into his house. "If I had shot him," he said, "Charlton Heston would have given me a medal." Heston heads the National Rifle Association, which, according to the Post, had no immediate comment on Rodham's remarks. Sen. Clinton is a strong supporter of gun control.


New member
Well, Tony can step right up and join the Oz crowd. If he only had a gun. If he only had a brain. If he only had a heart....

Oh, yes, throw in courage. Talk is cheap after the fact.