Hillary, the fan.

James K

Member In Memoriam
On the lighter side, there is a story going around that Hillary responded to a question about supporting a New York team by saying, "I have always been a Yankees fan, and I really hope they win the Super Bowl."


Futo Inu

New member
New York voters have some choice - in the GOA legislators grade report I got in today's mail, it shows Lazio gets an "F" from GOA, but Her Hillaryness get an "F-".

David Roberson

New member
Can't imagine a better race in which to vote Libertarian. Although I must admit that the idea of voting for the Republican socialist instead of the Democratic socialist does have merit simply because the news media will be turning the entire election of 2000 into a referendum on Slick Willie. Every Democrat who is defeated will says it's because of Clinton fatigue and the NRA...and both excuses are just fine with me.


New member
The Libertarian candidate is John Clifton. A pro gun guy and a great guy to boot. but with no money to campaign his cause is almost hopeless.

Another good candidate is the constitution Party's Lou Wein, verry pro gun and accessible to the pro gun movement. But he has little or no money to campaign.

Left with a quandry here, vote for Loosio to keep the Hildebeast out or give my vote to one of the good guys above?

Don't think I can stomach Hildebeast for six years.

what a &%#@!! choice.

Geoff Ross

I am no expert but I DO have an opinion.


New member
its going to be a close race vote for Lazio, he will need the vote and if hillary wins she will use it as a sprngboard to run for pres in 2004. As for the race for president bush has lost NY, so vote libertarian or constitution party. If hillary wins by one vote I think we will all hurt you.

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

--Ayn Rand, in "The Nature of Government"


Juan Hunt Greer

New member
Shoot, I thought You were going to talk about the s**t hitting her!
paranoid now is nothing compared to what paranoia will be if SHE makes to the senate!


New member
Just got the Nov /Dec issue of American Rifleman.

Lazio gets a D+ ???? Hillary a F-

His replacement for his House Seat gets a D. Her democrap opponent isn't rated but will definitely be an F.

My State Senator gets a D and is running unapposed. :(

My State Assembly man gets a D and is running unapposed. :( :(

The only pro gun candidate I can find is a guy named Walsh who is running for Lazio's house seat on the right to Life line!!!!! (Yeah that will get him elected in soccer mom land!)

Except for Bush and an anti Hillary vote everything else is a foregone conclusion. even the Judge seats are rigged.

Whatever happened to our representative republic?

Just curious, what do you folks think I should do Re the senate race. Vote for Lazio or one of the pro gun minor party guys?

Geoff Ross

I am no expert but I DO have an opinion.


New member
Hey, for what it's worth, here in Missouri, the NRA rated Jim Talent over John Ross, on the basis that Ross didn't have a voting record and was running as a democrat...