Hillary lied about Chelsea's whereabouts on Sept. 11th. This is just pathetic.


New member
Chelsea was NOT jogging near the twin towers when the planes hit.



Curious confusion swirls around former first daughter Chelsea Clinton's upcoming essay for TALK magazine describing exactly where she was on Terror Day in New York City.

Breaking her media silence once and for all -- Chelsea writes in great detail about her personal experience on the morning of September 11.

But, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, her account now sharply conflicts with her mother's version of Chelsea's New York adventure.

Appearing on NBC's DATELINE, Sen. Hillary Clinton told how daughter Chelsea cheated death on that fateful morning.

"She had gone on what she thought would be a great jog," Hillary Clinton explained. "She was going down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She was going to get a cup of coffee and - that's when the plane hit!"

Hillary's dramatic story about her daughter's close call with the Twin Towers became a media sensation.

"At that moment, she was not just a Senator, but a concerned parent," TODAY show's Katie Couric told viewers.

But now, in her own words, Chelsea does not mention a jog. Does not mention her plans to go to Battery Park, around the towers -- only to be stopped by a coffee break.

In fact, Chelsea writes that she was at her friend's apartment on Park Avenue South -- miles from Ground Zero -- when she learned of the attacks!

"I stared senselessly at the television," Chelsea writes.

Calls to Senator Clinton went unreturned on Friday.


New member
Well, at least Chelsea has two things going for her:

1) She does not watch Couric

2) She is not a liar

:) JCO


New member
The only way Chelsea could be in danger is if she went jogging in Fort Marcy Park, not Battery Park, with Vince Foster.


New member
So...not only did hellary clinton lie ( big surprise :rolleyes: ), but she thought we'd actually give a flying f.... about her daughter?

Jim V

New member
The Hillabeast lied to gain support from those that honor her victimhood. Bill is a nothing now in her plans and she needs something or someone that will help keep her a victim or martyr of something. Bill cheating on her while in the Whitehouse, Chelsea "almost a victim" on 9-11, her moustach revolting, what ever it takes to be a victim and thus gather support.

If it took Chelsea being surrounded by a chalk outline on the streets of NY for Hiiabeast to reach higher office, I would not want to be the kid.


Chelsea has shown more integrity in that one essay than both her parents put together have in their entire lives......

Give the girl a break.


I am not surprised, remember she is (liar), oh I mean a lawyer.

It would make my heart sing, to find out Chelsea is a gun nut.


Jeff Thomas

New member
Sorry, but coming from that family, she'll really have an uphill climb to prove herself.

I found her sentence about "expounding on the Bush tax cut" to be humorous and pompous. Consistent with her upbringing I expect.

Regards from AZ


New member
If I were Chelsea, I would be jogging alright.....away from mommy and daddy as fast as possible.:cool:


New member
It's like a Mother cat teaching a little kitten how to hunt by bringing it a half dead mouse to play with. Hillary's bringing her baby her own little scandal... ain't it cute, she's teaching Chelsea how to lie! Might as well learn from the best. She's a Clinton, I'm sure these are skills she'll use for the rest of her life. -- Kernel


Staff Emeritus
I marvel that merely because the minor Clinton's story varies from her mother's tale, someone believes Chelsea is telling the truth!

It's another Clinton's tale, take it with a grain of salt.

Jeff Thomas

New member
I agree, Dennis. Isn't that interesting?

I'd rather bet on the daughter's truthfulness, compared to her scumbag parents, but gee ... I don't think the family has any credibility.

Regards from AZ

Joe Portale

New member
Chelsea has always contridicted her folks when they lied about her. I think that she may turn out okay, regardless of her parents.

As a side note. Did antone else hear about Paul McCartney's fiance and Bill Klinton? They were attening some function and started to chit-chat. When the gal asked klinton about the war, he said that "I fell that I could be doing a better job that the President. I have more experience in these matters."

Well, apparantly she went off on the Billness and tore him a new one. She supposedly stated that what had he done in his eight years in dealing with threats like this? It was not reported exactly what she said, but it was definitly pro-GW. It was bad enough that Billy=boy left a short time after that.

I love happy endings.:D