Hillary gets hers

Hard Ball

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"Had she any shame, she would resign."

With those words Wednesday morning, the New York Observer -- newspaper of record to Manhattan's intelligensia -- became the first major publication to suggest that the corruption now coming to light in the Clintons' pardons-for-cash scandal makes it untenable for Hillary Rodham Clinton to continue serving as New York State's junior U.S. Senator.

"With the nation and indeed the world watching, we (New Yorkers) entrusted her with the U.S. Senate seat once held by Robert F. Kennedy and Daniel Patrick Moynihan," the Observer says in its scathing editorial this week.

"It is clear now that we have made a terrible mistake, for Hillary Rodham Clinton is unfit for elective office. Had she any shame, she would resign. If federal officeholders were subject to popular recall, she'd be thrown out of office by springtime, the season of renewal."

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
If I were only now realizing what Hillary Clinton is relly like and that she's unfit to hold office, I wouldn't admit it. :rolleyes:


New member
Hillary and Bill are truly whores - in every sense of the word. Memories will fade, she will run for President, and she will make a strong showing. There are too many Americans now that want hand-outs, that want bigger government and are willing to give up basic fundamental rights. The democrats have done a great job at indoctrinating our public. We are going the way of Rome where people want free bread and circuses.


New member
"Manhattan's intelligensia" -- There's an oxymoron!
If there was a half a gram of gray matter on that whole island these morons wouldn't have been taken in by that bogus b**** in the first place!


New member
There's New Yorkers for you... (no offense)


"With the nation and indeed the world watching, we entrusted her with the U.S. Senate seat once held by Robert F. Kennedy and Daniel Patrick Moynihan. It is clear now that we have made a terrible mistake, for Hillary Rodham Clinton is unfit for elective office. Had she any shame, she would resign. If federal officeholders were subject to popular recall, she’d be thrown out of office by springtime, the season of renewal."

....Had New Yorkers any "shame" (read: informed Civil conscience as members of the American Constitutional Republic), they would have never elected that arrogant, corrupt, socialist, imperialistic, un-American and utterly detestable dictatorette in the first place.

But, alas, that state has been ripe with willful "loyal subjects" infatuated with tyranny well since 1776. That heavy shoesole of bureaucratic absolutism must really be a comforting blanket for our enlightened friends in NYS; all the rest of us, unsophisticated rednecks that we are, could never understand.

Sir Henry Clinton then and Sen. Hillary Clinton now.... What's the bloody difference.... Why did we even bother.


New member
Mike in VA said:

"The Clintons give white trash a bad name."

Say, as a card-carrying redneck, I resent any connection to the Clintons!

Regards to the Old Dominion from the Old North State

Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC


New member
Anyone want to bet that NY does forget and re-elects Hillary in six years? I'll bet they may not forget, but they don't care.


New member
Not only will she refuse to leave, but is hoping that everyone forgets about this so she can run for president in 04.

Vote Hitlery04


New member
Liberalman in '04? Not hardly. Notice how he isn't at the forefront of the Dems in any way. Liberalman changed his stripes too fast when he was VP candidate, throwing away positions he'd held for years. And, when Gore sent him in front of the media to argue against the military votes, he stabbed Al Whore in the back and said the votes should be counted. The Dems don't trust him, and he's got a major credibility gap.

I don't think Billary will be the choice, either. There's too much ammunition available against her, even with the decline of American morals and intellect. I don't think we've quite seen the '04 candidate.


New member
Actually we New York'rs do tend to be short sited and we definitely have short memories. But please remember to not lump New York City in with the rest of the state. It's really hard to overcome the population disparity in state-wide elections.

This is also true in Michigan (w/Detroit/Wayne County) and Penn (w/Philly) and elsewhere. Gore carried those state in the last election only because the rest of the state could not make up the difference. I think Detroit voted >98% for Gore.

For some insight into how New Yorkers feel about the latest flap, see this local (to me) story: NY voters doubt Hillary in pardon role
...when asked whether they felt Clinton would be a good senator for New York, 54 percent of voters told the Marist pollsters that she would. That is down slightly from 59 percent in a Marist poll conducted in December.

“There’s clearly damage in terms of people not believing her,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist institute. But Miringoff said that when it comes to her role as a senator, New Yorkers are adopting a “wait-and-see attitude.”

Tom B

New member
Hillary won't be able to keep her nose clean for 6 years. She will be re-elected to Congress if the economy is good. Up there its all about the money. Morals/ethics mean nothing.


New member
After a recent poll showed approx. 40% of New Yorkers believe Hillary when she says she didn't know about Hugh Rodham's involvement with the pardons and the $400,000, I've decided I need to get into the polling business.

I have no expertise in this field, but accuracy and credibility are of little concern. All I really want is the names and telephone numbers of those fools who believe Hillary didn't know. This list would be worth BIG $$$ to telemarketers because THESE IDIOTS WILL BUY ANYTHING!!!!!!

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
There's no way to predict the presidential candidate four years from now. Gephardt is certainly out there, but you just can't predict all the variables.

That said, it's much easier to eliminate those who don'thafe a chance. Hillary and Lieberman seem to be in that category. She barely got 50% in one of the most liberal left-wing states in the union.


New member
I, too was exited when I read the story from a "liberal" paper denouncing Hillary. I decided to verify the source.

I called a liberal friend and former co-worker who lives in NYC and asked if he ever heard of or read the paper, since I had not. Without even knowing why I was asking he described it as a "Clinton-hater" paper, and he's no Clinton-lover either. It is NOT a liberal paper, is quite conservative in it's editorial tone, and passes no opportunity to bash the Clintons, even Chelsea from what he told me. It's a weekly paper sold for $1 out of curbside vending machines in midtown.

So, yeah, the article was a good read, but I think Drudge may have bent the truth by giving us the idea that the Liberal elite was turning against her. We should be so lucky.


New member
Hey legalhack,
Unfortunatley, I think your pretty close to the truth. This country is overrun with anti's and the momentum is increasing against us. I think we as gunowners are on a downhill, slippery slope. Yes, I educate those around me and I write letters but it seems like the Anti's are on a roll. Just a matter of time is all.